We had already made plans to carve the pumpkins for thegrandson last night, so after her friend left (who took her to the dentist), she laid the papers on the living room floor and marked the pumpkins and started on the smaller one first. It was being carved with a "spider", and just when she gets alllllllllmost done - the grandson dropped something, scared her, and she cut out a BIG chunk! Ruh roh! She was not a happy camper now.
Me, the ever vigilant peacemaker, told her to calm down - "I have toothpicks." I'm all for jerry rigging anything. The toothpicks worked, and as she got up off the floor, she slid on the papers laid out - and did a header - busting the pumpkin - and now ----after leaving the emergency room this morning - has a BROKEN ARM!!!!!!!
Damn, damn, damn!!! I gave her ice for her arm last night (she also sprained her ankle), as it was after 10 pm, I did ask if she wanted me to call 911 - she said "no." Since she was taking the Vicodin for the tooth problem, she at least had a little relief.

The end result was highly limited range of motion in her wrist, but she managed to adapt and relearn to type, so it never really interfered with her employment. Unfortunately this break is right above the joint removal. So, in all honesty, this is still a broken wrist as opposed to an arm. If surgery is needed, which I sincerely doubt, we will head back to Columbus - the doctor there deals ONLY with wrists, and we loved him.
Now, I have a headache, and want a nap...but can't see that happening right away. Thedaughter will definitely not be able to work for the next few days, and I guess I will be playing nursemaid. I need to train thegrandson better I guess.
Updates later...I must catch up on blogs and news now!!! Surprise, surprise!
***The X-ray above is not actually hers, just an example.
UPDATE: 7:45 pm - after utilizing some straight pins, thedaughter - with one hand put the pumpkin back together and thegrandson is very happy. Pic 1 with flash - pic 2 without flash.

Oh no! How awful, I hope she's OK soon. I once worked with an engineer who was out with knee surgery and then in a cast/brace thing for six weeks after. No more than two weeks after he got the brace off, he fell down on a wet spot in his bathroom and broke his other knee. His 4 children were all under 7 at that time, so his wife was beside herself. I hope things settle down soon.
Holy Cow!!!
Can you take one of her pain meds?
Best wishes for a more peaceful rest of the week. I hate when things come in strings like that.
Holy crap!! Place your daughter in a room covered in foam rubber and don't let her out for a while. Hope the accident spree is over for a long time and she heals quickly.
Your poor baby! I hate that for her. I'm sending her good thoughts. And good thoughts for you, too.
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