Since this is a long meme...but somewhat insightful, thought I would save it for the day I have nothing running through my head (there's a joke!) Maybe something insightful later...or not!
1. Bought everyone in bar a drink...
Yes, and I did it twice, for my son's 21st birthday. Cost me a pretty penny, and 3 days in bed (so sick), but well worth it at the time!
2. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive...
Sure, what sane, rich person do I know that would let me behind the wheel of a very expensive car??? Not.
3. Been inside the Great Pyramid...
Thanks to the Son, I can say I have been to and toured around the Great Pyramid, but I did not go inside. It was quite hot and air does not circulate well there.
4. Held a tarantula...
Held - NO, Had one thrown at me in school - yes.
5. Taken a candlelit bath with someone...
C'mon, that only happens in movies - showered with someone and had fun, yes - but no candles.
6. Said "I love you" and meant it...
Yes, many times.
7. Hugged a tree...
Now would there be a valid reason for me to "hug" a tree? I may have grabbed on to one, so as not to slide down a hill - but never have I hugged a tree - intentionally.
8. Stayed up all night long and saw the sun rise...
Yes, whenever we went to the beach - it became almost a tradition. Now, I just stay up, because I have insomnia.
9. Seen the Northern Lights...
Nope. But as soon as Sarah Palin sends me an invitation to Alaska - I'm sure that would be a possibility.
10. Gone to a huge sports game...
Yes, I've been to several Pittsburgh Steeler games, also to playoff games.
11. Touched an iceberg...
Do, I look like Rose, from the Titanic movie? I live in Ohio - no icebergs.
12. Changed a baby's diaper...
Duh...I have children and grandchildren. I am the best diaper changer east of the Mississippi.
13. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon...
No trip...but I have gone aloft while tethered in a hot air balloon, many years ago at Jamboree in the Hills.
14. Gotten drunk on champagne...
Ya just had to ask that one..champagne is my favorite and I have enjoyed it to the point of inebriation on occasion.
15. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope...
Yes. Didn't have a clue what I was looking at - but the eyeball met the lens as it were.
16. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment...
I think I may have, but the memory is almost gone.
17. Had a food fight...
Of course, hasn't everyone?? We still have them occasionally - when theson is around. He is the instigator.
18. Bet on a winning horse...
Yes, but no system or handicapping - pure gut instinct. Won big bucks years ago - on a horse named "Widowed Mary", a longshot, but I felt sorry since she was a 'widow."
19. Asked out a stranger...
Yes, but that was almost 40 years ago...he remained "strange."
20. Screamed as loud as you possibly can...
Of course, I come from a long line of "screamers."
21. Ridden a roller coaster...
Yes, and I would rather have a heart transplant than to ever do that again!
22. Danced like a fool and didn't care who was looking...
Refer to above question on champagne - I'm sure this happened while under the influence.
23. Adopted an accent for an entire day...
Not intentionally, but many years ago, my parents sent my twin and I to a "fat farm", and being around this girl from Raleigh, NC, day in and day out - we picked up a southern drawl of sorts.
24. Actually felt happy about your life, even just for a moment...
Yes - no matter what, we are dealt a hand and we have to play it. Life has been good, bad, and this is what "it's" all about.
25. Had 2 hard drives on your computer...
Yes, our PC has 2 on it at present.
26. Visited all 50 states...
I've travelled, but have not made it to all 50 states yet.
27. Taken care of someone who was drunk...
Did I mention my long married life to an alcoholic? Not my favorite past time.
28. Had amazing friends...
ALL my friends are amazing - be it in person or online!!
29. Danced with a stranger in a foreign place...
Funny you should ask. Yes, in Cairo, Egypt on a Faluca boat ride. The "skipper" of the boat was a dancing fool and we all danced with the idiot at various times.
30. Stolen a sign...
Well, I'm not putting my address here, so I guess I can tell you about the "stop" "yield" and various other signs in my storage shed. My lovely children may have FOUND these signs...I'm never really sure.
31. Backpacked in Europe...
Does traipsing through an airport in Germany, with luggage count?
32. Taken a road trip...
When I was just out of high school, my girlfriend and I would get in her VW and head anywhere.
33. Been heartbroken longer than you were in love...
Seems like it. I had a cheating, alcoholic husband, and all the years I loved him - the feeling was a lie on his part. Now I enjoy being alone.
34. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger's table and had a meal with them...
What an interesting statement - I can't imagine this happening - unless this stranger invited me over and was picking up the tab.
35. Visited Japan...
Nope, not in this lifetime.
36. Alphabetized your CD's...
Being old, my collection is small enough, there is NO need to alphabetize. I might have like...30. The younger crowd, who have massive quantities and OCD, do this.
37. Pretended to be a superhero...
In my "pretend" days - all we had were comic book superheroes. I might have pretended to be Betty from the "Archie" comics - and she was not a superhero.
38. Lounged around in bed all day...
Yes. After my triple bypass, I could not get comfortable sitting, standing or otherwise - and spent a good deal of time in my bed. Later, the reason for the discomfort was found to be - an allergy to the wire used on breastbones - therefore my breastbone never healed. (Funny thing - it "clicks")
39. Played touch football...
Yes, in my early years of marriage, we had many touch football games at family events.
40. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken...
I've stated this before - yes, my heart breaks easily.
41. Toured ancient sites...
I believe I told you I was in Cairo - I saw the Pyramids, Sphinx and various sites.
42. Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight...
I always considered that a "guys" game and NO, never played it once.
43. Gotten married...
No, all my children are bastards...just kidding, I got married in July of '75.
44. Crashed a party...
Many. Most vividly was in the early 70's, and my girlfriend and I made it a point to crash as many Christmas parties as possible. We were relatively successful.
45. Gotten divorced...
I refused to give him a divorce. He left me in '97 and died in '00 - his loss.
46. Gone without food for 5 days...
WTF?!?! Apparently you haven't seen my body. Now, I know I have while in a hospital while hooked up to life sustaining fluids - but to do it intentionally - I would get violent.
47. Made cookies from scratch...
More so years ago - now I only make pumpkin cookies at Holiday time, no wide variety.
48. Won first prize in a costume contest...
I honestly can't remember being in a costume contest!
49. Gotten a tattoo...
I have three (3) and have drawn what I wish for a fourth. Woohoo - second childhood!
50. Rafted the Snake River...
And the Snake River would be where???
51. Been on a television news program as an expert...
Not on television, but did a weekly radio show during tax season, with hints of tax cutting ideas.
52. Performed on stage...
Do childhood recitals for piano and ballet count?? Those were wonderful experiences at the time.
53. Been to Las Vegas...
Yes. I was having trouble getting pregnant (ha) and decided we needed to get away, so we spent 3 days in Vegas and 7 in Hawaii - turns out I was pregnant already as I puked my way through the entire trip.
54. Recorded music...
Not as a solo, but our A Cappella choir in high school made a Christmas tape (no CD's then)
55. Eaten shark...
Yes, while in Boston we went to a seafood restaurant and it was rather tasty.
56. Kissed on a first date...
Hell back then I kissed on any date.
57. Gone to Thailand...
Nope, didn't lose anything there, and the way things are now, I don't believe that would be safe.
58. Bought a house...
Yes, two of them. Bought and paid for - it's all mine now. (Actually, putting it in my son's name soon.)
59. Been in a combat zone...
Yes, I know I mentioned my alcoholic husband. Our house was a combat zone quite often.
60. Buried one/both parents...
Yes. My father in 1979, my mother in 2001. My biological parents passed away before I could meet them.
61. Spoken more than one language fluently...
Not fluently. I can speak enough Spanish to find a bathroom.
62. Performed in Rocky Horror...
Only in the confines of my own home.
63. Raised children...
Raised two. The daughter I gave up for adoption did not come into my life till her early 20's.
64. Followed your favorite band/singer on tour...
Who could ever afford to do that???
65. Passed out cold...
I may need to refer back to the champagne I love so much.
66. Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country...
would that be an "exotic" bicycle or an "exotic" foreign country - NO!!!
67. Picked up and moved to another city just to start over...
I'm spontaneous, but not THAT spontaneous.
68. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge...
Never been there.
69. Sang loudly in the car, and didn't stop when you knew someone was watching... Hell yes..what do I care what someone else thinks.
70. Had plastic surgery...
No, but I'm sure some people may think I should!
71. Survived an accident that you shouldn't have survived...
Knock wood, I've never been in a serious accident at all.
72. Wrote articles for a large publication...
No way, I am not that good of a writer.
73. Lost over 100 pounds...
Not really, I lost 94 pounds with my first child and close to the same with the following. The amazing part, is that once I delivered, back to eating I went and put back on those lovely pounds.
74. Held someone while they were having a flashback...
No. I have been with someone when they "flash backed" to Vietnam experiences and it was sad and scary.
75. Piloted an airplane...
I cannot see this as ever happening or that it could happen. I will fly, with great apprehension at times, but let's not push the envelope.
76. Touched a stingray...
That would be a stupid thing to do, but I have had one brush up against me, which made my fat ass run for shore rather quickly.
77. Broken someones heart...
No - I would never do that.
78. Helped an animal give birth...
Many times. Lot's of cats and dogs in my home over the years.
79. Won money on a TV show...
If I had, I wouldn't be doing this silly meme.
80. Gone on a photo safari...
Get real. I'm doing good to just TAKE a picture.
81. Had a facial part pierced other than your ears...
No as of this moment, although I am fighting hard NOT to get a nose piercing. But anything can happen.
82. Fired a rifle, shotgun or pistol...
Yep to all three. I loved to shoot. I got rid of all my guns years ago. I broke down and bought a .22 rifle though, about 5 years ago. Now I want to get a handgun.
83. Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild...
Nope, can't say that has been on my "to do" list.
84. Ridden a horse..
I grew up riding horses regularly. I rode a horse in Egypt - but everyone was worried about the old lady and wouldn't even let me have the reins.
85. Had major surgery...
I will not bore you to tears, but my body looks like a veritable road map. I have had more major surgeries than you have time to listen to. Eyes, feet, heart, hysterectomy, gall bladder, etc... Let's put it this way - I can't sign an organ donor card - nothing useful left.
86. Had a snake as a pet...
My mama didn't raise no fool!!! No way!
87. Slept for 30 hours in a 48 hour period...
Only while in the hospital on drugs.
88. Visited more foreign countries than U.S. states...
Can't say that that is possible. I'm not the "world" traveller, more on the domestic side.
89. Visited all 7 continents...
Can't you read - I'm NOT a world traveller. Even stopping over at airports only puts me at 3 continents.
90. Eaten kangaroo meat...
Why would I eat something that can beat me up???
91. Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days...
No. Many canoe trips of short duration, nothing extended though.
92. Eaten sushi...
No. The desire to eat raw fish is not in me.
93. Changed someones mind about something you care deeply about...
Yes. Recently to boot. A person who was of a staunch anti-abortion belief and I got into an argument. their argument of "under NO circumstance should an abortion be performed - was shot to hell by me. After my logical explanation of various aspects - he began to rethink his policy.
94. Gone back to school...
Yes, I have taken courses sporadically over the years, relating to tax law.
95. Parasailed...
Again, something which I have no control over, is not a sport for me. I saw a parasailer "smack" into a building and die in Mexico, no way, no how will I ever do that.
96. Touched a cockroach...
Not without first being introduced. The answer is a sound NO!
97. Eaten fried green tomatoes...
I know this is supposed to be delicious, and I would not be averse to trying, but I have never enjoyed fried green tomatoes.
98. Read The Iliad and The Odyssey.....
Bits and pieces many years ago, but I don't consider it light reading.
99. Selected one "important" author who you missed...
Not sure what this means, but I don't think so.
100. Skipped all your school reunions...
Let's see. I missed #5 and #20, made it to #10, #25 and #30. We didn't have a #35, and #40 is coming up - I may go, but considering there were over 1000 in my graduating class, and we are getting older, the attendance has gotten much smaller.
101. Communicated with someone without sharing a common language...
Excuse me...WTF???
102. Been elected to public office...
Yes. Elected to the Board of Trustees of Public Affairs in 2000. The local council abolished the Board in favor of a Village Administrator in 2005. Lovin' it!! The village has lost money big time and everything is a mess, because of this individual. More people call me still - to correct problems. I'm having the last laugh.
103. Written your own computer language...
that would be a silly thing to do. I'm fine with the language I have now.
104. Thought to yourself that you are living your dream...
Hello...economic downturn, recession, job losses, U.S. totally screwed up - I DON'T THINK SO!!
105. Had to put someone you love into hospice care...
Yes and no. I did not have the final say, but I was allowed input and YES, my very best friend was put into hospice last October. Unfortunately she was only there for a few short hours before passing away. Such a hard thing to do.
106. Built your own PC from parts...
Let's see, small parts and pieces - are not my friends. NO way could I do this.
107. Sold your own artwork to someone you didn't know...
If I had artwork to sell, I'm sure it would be to someone I didn't know. Art is not my forte'.
108. Had a booth at a street fair...
Not my own, but I have helped quite a few at different times with their wares.
109. Dyed your hair...
I'm a woman, what do we do...we DYE our hair. Not anymore though, I love the white of my hair - I earned each and every white hair on my head - and there are only a few hairs left.
110. Been a DJ...
Now there's a laugh. I listen to music, I don't KNOW music.
111. Shaved your head...
Hahahaha. I'm hanging on to each and every hair left for heaven's sake. I have thought about shaving the damn thing to see if maybe, just maybe, my hair would grow back in fuller - but those thoughts leave quickly.
Have a great day...Later...............