Burress turned himself in to authorities, this morning, and plead not guilty, and it was mentioned that the Glock was found in his home. I found a video on another site, of Mayor Michael Bloomberg, stating that he wants Burress tried with "no special treatment", because NYC had passed a law to eliminate guns on the street. He also feels that Burress should have been setting an example, considering his high profile, and not as a gun-toting thug.

Young boys watch football with their fathers and learn the game at an early age, and for the most part, everyone has a favorite team. Therefore, these players are thrust into the "role model" arena. (Remember the Charles Barkley comment regarding being a role model?) If you are familiar with the Pittsburgh Steelers, it has been a family owned team for over 75 years - they definitely do not have the highest paid players - but if you listen to them (the players) - they are a family. Heinz Ward has stated he will never leave the team - till he retires. The Rooney family has treated him well, the fans have treated him well and he appreciates and respects all these people.
But I digress a wee tad. I agree with Mayor Bloomberg on this issue - and Burress needs to face the music as if he were Joe Blow off the streets. This is a serious charge - he is facing a potential 15 year sentence. No tears being shed on this homefront.

I could mention many others, Terrell Owens, PacMan Jones, blah, blah, blah. Enough already - you do the crime - you do the time. Enough said.
I love your reasoning and agree 100%. We don't need kids looking up to street thugs carrying Glocks around
I totally agree! Love ya
My favorite asshole football player is Randy Moss. He was a total prick when he was with the Vikings and it looks like he hasn't changed much now that he is with the Patroits!!
I agree with some of your comments, especially about Chad Johnson not knowing that it should be "Ochenta Cinco". That drives me crazy too. However, these people aren't role models, they're professional athletes. Babe Ruth was a drunk and whore-monger in his day. Ty Cobb was a violent racist. If these guys were around today, they'd more resemble politicians than an athletes.
"No. 85" is harmless and has never been in trouble with the law. Mike Brown may be a terrible owner but he showed how to deal with prima donna WR's. No. 85 has shut up, realized he's under contract, and played through a separate shoulder this year even though the Bengals suck hard.
T.O. is another prima donna, but he's kept his nose clean and never had trouble with the law. Sure, he and No. 85 are pricks and give their coaches headaches, but they play hard through injury in a very violent sport where their career (or ability to walk) could be over on any play. Burress was highly praised playing through injury last year, but he too has always been a prick. And there are no guaranteed contracts in the NFL. The game is a business, so if their antics hurt the teams bottom line, they'd be gone. Their antics probably bring more interest in the teams, so I wonder how much of this is actually encouraged.
The Rooney's are great owners, but they also are pragmatists. If Hines Ward is not producing or can't stay healthy, there's no way they keep him on the roster. Loyalty only goes so far, and it has limitations both ways.
As for the criminal element, Michael Vick, Pacman Jones, Ray Lewis, Chris Henry, throw the book at them. I still don't think the NFL has nearly the crime problem that Capitol Hill does. If our kids looked up to political leaders as much as they do athletes, maybe the incentive to clean up our system would be greater.
arroz: I agree with your capitol hill comparison. But I remember when TO pulled his "suicide" trick and caused major problems at the time, because of the lying from him and his girlfriend. Granted No. 85 - had more of a verbal problem which has been reigned in - thank heavens.
Now I hear that someone has been charged at NY Presbyterian hospital for not reporting this shooting accident...and heads begin to roll.
if i recall correctly, didn't chad johnson recently change his last name officially to "ocho cinco"?
Yes, thus ensuring his stupidity will live on in perpetuity :)
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