Since a new administration will officially take office in THREE weeks, I needed to get this last grievance out - never to be spoken of again, I hope!
Now on to "current events." Just reading about Dick Cheney makes me want to puke, but reading this, brings on thoughts of a full blown stroke. The man is totally delusional and so obtuse. Not understanding why he is so unpopular just reeks of his distance from the populace.
Let's see now, he was the primary architect of a war against a sovereign country, based on deliberately fabricated intelligence. He then turns around and lies to the American people about the threat this country poses against the United States. He (and this administration) failed to complete the military actions started in Afghanistan - thus creating a massive debt based on two wars - which future generations will still be paying!
Cheney's personal assistant was involved in the outing of a United States secret intelligence agent, all in the name of political revenge.
Aha, now we can't forget the massive failures in dealing with Hurricane Katrina.

Cheney and this administration turned a blind eye to the sub-prime mortgage debacle, although the warning signs were evident...and now the major economic meltdown as a result.
In his quest to "expand" the privileges of the President and Vice-President, he and Bush have managed to violate Federal law and our Constitution.
And finally - if I hear "we haven't been attacked since 9/11" one more time - I will end up in prison. Wake up assholes - 9/11 happened on YOUR watch!! I take small issue with that statement, because since 9/11, we had the D.C. sniper, and anthrax poisonings - so I feel they constitute the classification of "attacks!"

The only salvation for this outgoing administration would be - for the "revisionists" to work overtime in re-writing this history.
I feel better now, just having the opportunity to vent a wee tad. Of course, there are always other issues that keep me awake at times, but for now...I will rest.
Have a good one all and later............
Mother, I am almost done with the Laundry.
Happy anniversary to you! from one non writer to another!
Happy Anniversary!
Congratulations on your blogaversary! It's been a wild time in our country. Wonder how things will be a year from now?
Hey, happy anniversary!
Happy Blogaversary.
Merry Blogaversary!!
Mathman: I'm proud of you! (Sure DCup is too)
Happy anniversary! Mine's coming up too!
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