Last week, when picking up an "order" from the grandson's school (you know, those things the kids have to sell), thedaughter asked the assistant principal, if the school was going to watch the Inauguration of Barack Obama on January 20th. Basically, he said they would not be viewing the historic event en masse, but if the 2nd grade teachers wanted to, they could allow the children to watch, as they were the only class involved in a mock election.
I'm sorry folks...that is not good enough for this old broad. The day before, the school will be out of session for the MLK holiday - well, hello there...and Barack Obama taking the oath of the highest office in our country, AND being the first black president to boot - is not good enough for our children and grandchildren to observe??????
Thegrandson is 8 years old, and highly conscious of what is going on in the world (on that level), and the fact that he listened to me spout all the views I had for months.
EXECUTIVE DECISION is as follows...thegrandson will not be attending school on January 20, 2009. It's black and white, no arguments. He will be here in the home and taking in and absorbing most of that historic event. Granted, he may not sit still for the entire process, but he will REMEMBER the important parts, to pass on to his children.
We carry the memories of other historic occasions which were not foreseen, as to where we were, what we were doing. I intend to make sure that thegrandson will view this as a family enjoyment and that the main gist of this event will stay with him for a lifetime.
I can't wait for the school to call a truant officer on me...I will barricade myself in the house at least until the ceremonies are completed. I am reverting back to my "protest" days...except it all seems so much easier now! Hee-hee!
So, now that the decision has been made - I can breathe easier. Enjoy the day. Later............

That's a very good idea! We're going to follow your lead on that.
Good call.
Good call! Our schools are usually off on Inauguration Day due to our proximity to DC, but even if school was open, I'd let my 7yo stay home. He's pretty excited about Obama.
I just do not believe it. We watched them on tv when I was in school - well at least old Ronnie's first when Jimmy Carter was ushered out and the hostages were freed.
Good Call Mom!
We are doing that too!! In fact, I gave my teens the option to skip school on election day and door knock for Obama. They chose to attend class, but worked from 3pm - 9pm. Education isn't just about what happens in a classroom.
I think you've made a fine executive decision!
Just be careful when they start lobbing in the tear gas and remember to start yelling "Don't tase me bro!" long before you actually get withing range of the tasers.
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