My personal account, boring as it may be:
January - I made my annual trip to Boston (which I will probably miss this year.) I turned 56 years old (woohoo), and had a temporary accounting job.
February - I enjoyed the Blue Man Group - thanks to theson. thedaughter had her "makeover" with a wonderful end result. The NY Giants BEAT the New England Patriots in the Super Bowl.
March - Thegrandson was hospitalized with his "flesh eating" disease. Many weeks of worry there!
April - I got my new laptop (17th) - Mom2's son was married on the 12th.
May - My "trip of a lifetime" to Cairo, Egypt, again THANKS to theson. Chickie's little Chi-Chi passed away (hey Chickie - I even made a note of this!)
June - Theson CUT his beautiful long hair - but did donate to Locks of Love!
July - Thedaughter started receiving CHILD SUPPORT - after 7+ years of nothing! Both daughters had a major dispute at JITH. Theson and Jules vacationed in Australia.
August - Sarah Palin made her ridiculous debut! My checking account was "hacked!" Major issues there. Summer Olympics began. Democratic Convention - political season going full blast.
September - Economic meltdown finally acknowledged. Major political campaigning. The names Carly Fiorina, Nancy Pfottenhauer, Tucker Bounds make me want to barf! Started physical therapy on my arm - to no avail. My Niece found me on Facebook - yippee! theson announced his breakup with Jules - and his heartache.
October - Campaigning and political arena getting heated up. "Joe, the Plumber" introduced (YUCK!) Thedaughter broke her arm. Vice Presidential Debate.
November - BARACK OBAMA, elected 44th POTUS - an historical moment! My oldest grandson turned 18. Thanksgiving and the beginning of the Holiday season.
December - Theson comes home for holidays. Christmas flies by as usual. Basement flooded Christmas Eve day. Holiday cleanup contemplated - not yet accomplished!
I will be ringing in the New Year with thedaughter and thegrandson here at home - the safest place to be. I am thawing the pork chops, the kielbasi is ready and then into the sauerkraut it all goes! The only way I will even eat sauerkraut, is with mashed potatoes, so I will start them around 10 pm. This became a tradition during the married years, as my husband followed a German tradition. My kids still love it - so we will carry on the torch.
I just watched this on the local news...and now I'm am furious. This man is what I call a "transient" here in town. We get a lot of people moving in and out all the time, as they are dodging the welfare systems or "playing" the system. Ohio pays more than WV, and they come here in droves. Apparently this man came in from Illinois. But this act - deserves immediate DEATH. And I do mean that. I am awaiting a return call from the police chief, to find out WHY they let the children remain with the mother. She certainly had to be aware of this treatment and possibly past issues. To say I am not a Happy camper is an understatement. YOU DO NOT DO THESE THINGS TO DEFENSELESS CHILDREN. I'm so mad at the moment - I can hardly see straight. This is not the way I wish to end my year.
I will end with my New Year's Resolution (which I never make/keep).
Happy New Year!
I hope the New Year brings you much happiness!!!
I want to tell you that I'm glad that 2008 included getting to know you and your family through your blog and your encouraging comments.
I hope that 2009 will bring peace and happiness to you all!
Happy New Year!
(Just as I was typing this, your message on my facebook wall came through. Thanks!)
I echo D Cup's sentiments in saying that I am fortunate that 08 introduced me to your marvelous blog!
Thanks for sharing.
Happy New Year!!!
Happy New Year!
Those "parents" in Bellaire should both be sent away. The poor children (and the animals) should be sent to live with people that will shower them with attention and affection forevermore.
Happy New Year to you too.
I am still trying to contemplate 17 notebooks, lal :)
Happy new year!
Feliz Año Nuevo
Happy New Year from my house to yours!
What a year. Egypt. I admire that. It is one of the countries I would have wanted to see.
I'm late here to wish you good luck and happiness in this new year, but it's only the 1/3/09, so please don't hold it against me.
Aw, thanks for remembering Chi Chi! But, she's back, better than ever. Hee, hee.
Hope 2009 is good to you!
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