With the sexual escapades of some big name politician's recently - the name
C STREET, keeps popping into the conversations. The more I have heard and now have read, about this organization, in my humble opinion I feel there needs to be some form of investigation into this cult-like fraternity.
This C STREET residence is called
"The Family" or the
"Fellowship" at varying times and according to whomever may be speaking about the group. Essentially, this is a group of
MEN which comprise a secretive fundamentalist Christian sect (my words).
The group was founded in 1935 by Abraham Vereide in Seattle. He was a Norwegian immigrant who perpetuated and has the group emulate the leaderships of Hitler, Stalin and Mao - who the group claims - understood the New Testament best. He also espoused that the New Testament is about
POWER. Vereide claimed that God came to him in a dream and said
"I want you to minister NOT to the down and out, but to the up and out - the powerful."That statement, in and of itself, is very frightening. The members of this group all claim that they are "chosen" and above all rules and laws. Wives of these men take a wholly subservient position in their lives also - as can be seen by Gov. Mark Sanford and his wife.
Some names I have discovered, that are members include: Sens. Brownback, DeMint, Grassley, Inhofe, Thune, Enzi, Domenici, Pryor, Coates and Ensign (of recent philandering status).
The annual National Prayer Breakfast was encouraged by this group by approaching Dwight Eisenhower. Eisenhower allowed the first Breakfast, but hoped it would not be perpetuated. Unfortunately, he was mistaken. A major amount of lobbying by religious groups takes place during the weeks leading up to this breakfast event.
Also, these Senators, Representatives and some Governors are making trips to other countries, some funded by this group and some on taxpayer dollars - to speak with foreign leaders and preach their secret doctrine known as the "Seven Mountains Mandate". This mandate is that the believers seek to gain world control, by gaining influence in seven specific areas i.e., government, media, education, religion, arts and entertainment, business and family.
It would appear to be a very elitist group, dominated by wealthy white males. I see a racist undertone, wouldn't you say?
This house on C STREET, was a former convent with a chapel, and to this day is listed as a church, thus avoiding property taxes on the building. At any given time, there appears to be at least six men who reside there, paying only $600 a month rent. This is definitely an area that needs to be investigated. Again, this eclectic group places themselves above the law.

Jeff Sharlet has been a guest on several news shows of late, and penned this book in 2008, after spending a brief time residing at C Street. He refers to the greatest effect of
The Family is the influence of their ideas - the elite fundamentalism ideas, free-market fundamentalism, trickling down into popular fundamentalism.
Sharlet also has inferred that some of the travels undertaken by these men are in violation of federal laws. The group moves money around in such a manner - that an investigation could take years to complete.
I'm curious, if voters were aware that those they have voted for were members of this group - would they vote differently?
I believe in separation of church and state to the fullest. Our right to religious freedoms also include not having a religious view. Whereas this group is trying to convince non-democratic countries that prayer is the answer, as long as it carries through with
THEIR beliefs. They have been to Serbia, Sudan, Albania, Belarus, Ukraine, and Pakistan. Lebanon, a country of religious unrest saw Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK), travel on The Family's dime, telling the government that the solution to their problems is to create more Christian prayer cells - like C Street. DUH!?!?
An excellent read can be
found here. It is quite long, but answers so many questions. Wayne Madsen has definitely covered all the bases. This
CHRISTIAN MAFIA is one frightening band of men. Before I forget, Both Bill and Hillary Clinton had ties to this group also. That really pissed me off. This may end up being the new question at future town hall meetings on campaign trails.
The groups Illuminati and Opus Dei are supposedly fables....C STREET is not! There is so much I could still carry on about, but if you read the sources by Sharlet and Madsen...a lot of questions can be answered.
More reading to get through....I shall return later...........