The humidity level has to be at 1000% and the temps are in the mid 80's - and I'm sweating bullets. Physically, I'm not able to do all this crap anymore and I'm probably going to die. If someone finds my fat carcass in the backyard - I hope they just kick some dirt on my face.
I ran to McD's and let them serve our dinner tonight - because I'm exhausted. My arthritis is in full swing and the pain is miserable. I should be done in about an hour - so hang in there. If I survive - I shall return.....later........

You always find a way to cheer every one up. ;0)
Ugh! I hope you feel better soon. Get a good night's sleep tonight. :-)
You sound like me when I am mowing the grass.
Dr. MVM: As long as I do it well - it will be considered a "job well done."
ETW: Thanks. 3 appletinis helped the sleeping.
Peruby: This getting old SUCKS!
Oh goodness. I hope that is all done very soon.
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