Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein awarded me this badge awhile back, and I apologize for getting to this at such a late date. I t almost makes me appear ungrateful - which I am not. It's the 'Blogging Brings Us Closer Together' award. Thank you for this award sir.
There was no specific criteria that accompanied this badge of honor, so we will let it speak for itself.
I choose to honor the following:
Utah Savage - an articulate, wonderful lady. She is a loyal friend and suffers with demons of her own, but pushing them to the farthest depths of her being - in order to be a great "friend."
Evil Twin's Wife - a stay at home mom, so totally involved with her children and their educations and formulative days - and loves her wine in a box! Chuckle, chuckle.
John abuzz - an accountant and florist who has shared some great pics of the past and current travels. A midwesterner with a sense of humor and love of the outdoors.
Leftist Grandpa - because we think the same politically and he always has something of great import to add to the news of the moment.
November Fifth - (skyewriter) Another politically charged writer. Super great posts and quite informative. We share a love of cats also.
Re-Ramblings - an Oklahoma girl, who will make you laugh. At one time she had a post of a video doing a stand-up comedy routine. She gives a great moderation on life in general.
yellowdog granny - a West Texas granny, with pizazz! She has an opinion and is not afraid to tell ya! Great postings from this lady.
I hope everyone enjoys and passes the award on to others who bring us "bloggers together."

Thank you my dear. You are a great friend too.
Some of your other honorees are new to me and I will now blogroll them.
Goddess bless you my child..go in peace...
heehee..that's so cool..thanks so much..I love awards...it comes at a good time as I'm a puenche hair of puting a halt to the old yellowdoggranny blog..this may keep me going for another week..thanks again..
Congrats on the award and thanks for thinking of me! :-)
thank you so very much!!!! and i can't believe this was your 800th post! that's crazy awesome!
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