Today, is the big day...Sarah Palin turns the helm of the state of Alaska over to one (with the same initials) Sean Parnell, the current Lt. Governor. I'm not exactly sure of the specific time that Palin will no longer carry the title Governor, but for me, it cannot be soon enough.
Shannyn Moore, the put upon blogger and sometime radio host, who has been targeted by Palin has more or less started the "screen door exit". As in "don't let the door hit you in the arse on the way out!"
Last August, right before McCain made the announcement of Palin as his running mate, I had done a little research on the possible nominees, and admittedly...Palin's name wasn't one of the first I searched for. Within a matter of hours before the big announcement, Sarah Palin's name surfaced and I clamored to find out all I could on this nominee. I found very little of substance available at that time - other than the video of her saying something about never being a vice-presidential candidate.
And my haven't the past 11 months been a treat? The woman gives an endless supply of fodder for the news and blogs. Just opening her mouth, instant press release. Palin has spent the last two days visiting various "farewell" picnics - and even serving up the food.
Considering this woman has "fallen" in the polls of favorability - her narcissistic personality, believes she has something to offer. Maybe she will hook up with Man Coulter - one of the few who believe that QUITTING her position as Governor is a good thing. Right Man...the majority of sm,art thinking Americans love QUITTERS. If a poll were taken of Alaskan voters - those who trusted that she would fulfill her term of office - I'm sure the favorability there would be considerably low also.
Palin is scheduled to speak soon at the Ronald Reagan Library - and I am curious as to who might write her speech. We all know that this woman cannot put together a cogent thought let alone a sentence. Since she is now a Twitter aficionado - I would imagine her speeches will all be sentences of 140 characters..or less.
I am sure that she will still be offering up some goodies for us to post about in the future - as most of her world is about "her." this should be quite interesting.

Theson is suffering through another physical dilemma while in Egypt. He had a bot fly incident in India and a short time ago while in Alexandria. It appears he may have ANOTHER bot fly - this time in the elbow area. He went to the hospital yesterday (which has to be serious for him to take that step), and was pawned off on a dermatologist. He had his driver Emad with him to interpret, but apparently they did not grasp that this is UNDER the skin, not a topical ailment.
He was prescribed Cipro and some creams/salves and a solution to soak the elbow. He marked the area (redness and swelling) with a pen yesterday as we Skyped - and if this gets worse, he promised to head back to the hospital. I mean WTF??? Is he a bot fly magnet or something - or are they dormant in his system? This is scary and quite worrisome to me.
I have a few cleaning chores to tackle...and that kitty litter box is begging to be emptied (my favorite chore) - so I shall return..........later..........

Great Palin post.
Sorry about your son. This must be so scary for you.
And I hear you on the cat box thing. It is the only thing keeping me from getting another kitty. Well, that and the three dogs, who do not want to be ruled by another uppity cat.
I keep thinking that we need to keep pushing Sarah Stupid to be the Republican nominee for Prez in 2012 so we can enjoy the trainwreck. She hasn't suffered enough as far as I am concerned and there has to be some negatrive karma for all the crap she puts out there.
Oh and how can't you love cleaning the litter box? For me its like searching for hidden treasure every couple of days. Clumping cat litter IS man's greatest achievment. We brought it back from the moon you know.
Considering this woman has "fallen" in the polls of favorability - her narcissistic personality, believes she has something to offer. Maybe she will hook up with Man Coulter - one of the few who believe that QUITTING her position as Governor is a good thing.
Great post, and I hope your son is OK. I admire anyone who goes off to those countries that have parasitical insects. The guinea worm is the one that particularly grosses me out, but sounds as if bot flies aren't much better....
What on earth is a bot fly?
Do I want to know?
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