The furniture is almost "pristine", as he outgrew it all rather quickly. He is not political by nature, so there are no feelings one way or the other regarding the recipient.

No need to thank me - just doing my part! Later.....

I understand the theory of the moment, is surrounding the Israel/Gaza conflict. the last bomb attack in Cairo was over three years ago. But I guess a thought I try to keep out of my head, is that several Al-Queda terrorists are from Cairo and many have trained there also.
I wish only safety to all foreigners at this time. And to theson - just be careful and aware. Later.........
February 19, 2009, Juneau, Alaska - Following up on several trips to Western Alaska by multi-agency state personnel, Governor Sarah Palin and Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell will travel with Franklin Graham, President and CEO of Samaritan’s Purse, to the communities of Marshall and Russian Mission on Friday. Samaritan’s Purse is a nonprofit organization that provides humanitarian aid across the world. Working with private sector and nonprofit resources, an estimated 10,000 pounds of food will be distributed to more than 200 Alaska families in need.
For several weeks the administration has been working with residents on the Lower Yukon in an attempt to identify their eligibility for various aid programs for communities and individuals. Five state departments and the governor’s rural affairs advisor, John Moller, are involved in the immediate relief effort, and are currently visiting communities across the region.
Faith-based, nonprofit groups, such as Samaritan’s Purse, have partnered with state agencies and have been instrumental in providing assistance to Western Alaska in recent weeks. The Department of Public Safety has utilized its aircraft to deliver food collected from around the state by faith-based and other nonprofit organizations. The Department of Public Safety is working with the Department of Education and Early Development personnel in implementing a plan to provide bulk foods to area residents.
Additionally, state benefit specialists from the Department of Health and Social Services visited Emmonak recently and enrolled individuals in several existing public assistance programs. The Department of Fish and Game has expanded the moose-hunting season for residents, and is also reviewing concerns with the commercial king salmon fishery that many Lower Yukon River residents depend on for a substantial portion of their income.
The governor’s trip to Western Alaska, coupled with work on the economic stimulus certification requirements and budget amendments, will prevent her from attending the National Governors Association meeting in Washington, D.C., this weekend.
Yes, it's tax season, my busiest time of the year. Don't get me wrong, I truly love the activity, since I have been doing this for over 30 years, I must. I have no secretary or receptionist, just thedaughter who helps me file, answer the phone (when she is awake), and call clients for pickups. Although technically tax season begins January 1st, I normally do not get busy till February 1st, as I prefer my clients to have ALL documentation before I prepare the return. This year has been a little out of the norm, as the IRS requirements of a January 31st deadline for taxpayers to receive documents has been changed to February 15th. It never fails that at least a couple of clients are in a rush to file - and WHAM - after preparation, they call because they have received additional information. Tsk. Tsk. Then they have the nerve to get upset because I charge a fee to redo a return.
I have a decent clientele of almost 500 - and that is probably because I am quick and efficient and I CHARGE NEXT TO NOTHING. When my former partner and I started our business in the 70's, we named our business such that it implies "low prices." Our philosophy was and remains to this day - that people pay so much in taxes, they should not have to pay an arm and a leg to get their money back. Thus the reason for a large client base.
My partner and I split up in 1996, and we each developed our individual business, with me keeping the original business name. At first, the split was a little strained, but after five years, we caved and let bygones be bygones. Now, we split the cost of our tax program, which eases my financial burden. Some have no idea what this business entails - I will try to be brief here in describing what I provide.
I'm sure there are many other things I provide, but can't think of any at the moment. In all honesty, I kept most of our original clients - for reasons I will not relate here. I get referrals every year which is a good thing, as I usually have the occasional "death" of a client also.
Today was one of those crazy days...two clients show up within 10 minutes of each other...4 clients appeared to pick-up their returns at the same time...the phone rang constantly...had to meet a client downtown in between all this turmoil. And then the dog decided she had to puke - which entirely capped off a terrific morning. Psycho kitty will make an appearance soon I am sure.
I promise not to neglect any of my fellow bloggers, but right now, I have decided to step back for the remainder of this day and chill. Later this evening, after thegrandson has gone to bed, I will try to catch up on your postings. So, play nice everyone, and check with ya later...........