I think my ankles are going to fall off, after clicking my heels all night repeating that phrase. We have had wind advisories numerous times, but this was very close to the memories I have of an F4 tornado in Topeka, Kansas from the mid '60's.
The wind warning was issued early in the day, and I went around the outside of the house, making sure there were no loose objects. All the cardboard I had placed in the bed of theson's truck had me worried a little. I located my window box planters - still filled with potting soil (and heavy) and placed them on top of that mess.
The torrential rains predicted, went west of us and we had maybe a five minute deluge, then nothing. The winds began almost immediately after that rain (approx. 8 pm). When weather gets bad, I get very nervous. No explanation - I just do. I prefer NOT to have to deal with damage and inconvenience any more.
Thedaughter arrived home from work around 11:30 pm, looking like a troll. Her hair was (sorry daughter) a ridiculous wind-swept mess. She then made another walk-through of stuff on the porches, and we then went to bed. It wasn't five minutes before we were both outside - being blown to bits - picking up a MILLION aluminum cans. Although I had set the 35 gallon cans out of the wind - mother nature had another idea. The can has 2 wheels on the back and just rolled and flew - scattering cans everywhere. We bagged them back up - stowed the can and came inside.
One problem - I could not breathe when I got back in the house. Much like the incident I had in the hospital. Thedaughter had an albuterol inhaler and I used that - feeling much better soon. I believe this may involve my nerves and the "panic" attack involved.
Needless to say, I did not sleep well, listening to these strong winds all night, imagining my siding being ripped away or something being blown through a window. I am such a worry wart.
Our power went off several times, but all instantaneous. We didn't have to reset any clocks at all. But at the moment there are over 3,000 without power in my county and across the river in Wheeling, there are an equal amount in the dark.
Thankfully, we just have a "wind advisory" at the moment. Still windy but not as strong as overnight.
It is 9:45 am - and although I should be working, I am going back to bed and see if I can get some sleep - I am still so very tired. Have a great day and hold on to your collective asses. Later..............
We had moderately interesting weather yesterday, too, with a tornado apparently being sighted south of Atlanta. To me it seemed like it never got really windy right where we live, but then I saw on the news that not far from us the street was totally blocked due to a large pine tree getting blown down.
We have had the wind for the last 3days...I was glad it finally moved on. Sorry it moved to you...lol But we here in the Show Me were getting kinda tired of it.. LOL
I too am like you though, I get nervous and pace and worry, I don't have much to tie down but I constantly watch out the windows.
Here today... the whole house shaking as if there IS a tornado.... We have power...for now...
VERY windy here in NJ this morning. A tree fell on a car on Rt. 22 and killed the driver. Scary.
Our power is OK but there are a lot of power outages in the general area.
It's windy here too. It must pick up speed over the Dakotas! But I sleep well on windy nights because it reminds me how cozy and safe my bed is. Until something is blown thru my window, I'm sticking to that perspective.
Totally off topic, but thanks for the kind words over at my place a few minutes ago. After thinking about it (my post, not your comment),though, I deleted the post, because it came a little too close to being an explicit statement about where I work -- and as a rule I try not to do that even though anyone who knows anything about the government can figure it pretty quickly.
Take an extra nap for me while you're at it. I got the same winds and power flickers. I just packed up everything and went to sleep with no problems. The only problem is my dog gets stressed out by the storms and I end up with her practically sitting on my head so I can protect her from the big bad wind. So it was a fun night.
I feel the same way about wind. Our electric grid is so fragile that the least bit of wind can darken the whole valley for enough time that you have to empty your fridge just to keep from poisoning yourself.
Hope the napping is refreshing.
Rocks in your pockets to keep your ass from flying away. I hear it works.
With all these wind storms, gonna need lots more Amish to help us through the power outages :)
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