John McCain!!!!"
At yesterdays meeting between key representatives and Pres. Obama, John McCain
had to bring up the issue of the helicopter fleet, one for the President, designated Marine One. Maintaining his typical smug demeanor, he was attempting to put a "spin" on this issue, as if the entire concept was a brainstorm of the Democrats and Obama.
Apparently, McDementia, forgot that it was HIS president who put the order in for this new helicopter fleet - and Marine One - with an individual cost of $400 million. I guess since this order was made right after the 9/11 attacks - Bush figured he might need his ass flown far and away - to be safe! Or just plain old "get the hell out of town" if necessary.

I was not surprised at all, that Pres. Obama was neither flustered nor put off by the veiled accusation from McCrack!! He handled himself quite well - in stating that the helicopter at his disposal, "is more than adequate." Then jokingly added something to the effect, that he had never owned one before - maybe he had a deprived youth! Go Obama!!!

My new toy! It is a Pantech Matrix C740...now doesn't that just tell you everything you need to know? when the young man was showing me the phone and how to handle the features - I thought "I can do this!" Nope. I do believe that it may be smarter than me. I have managed to figure out how to take pictures and store them (same w/ video), and basically how to use the QWERTY keyboard feature. As far as the GPS, and all the fancy stuff - I'm not sure if I do learn how to utilize those features, that there will be additional monthly charges. My other phone took a fall - now I sound like theson - and didn't want to make calls anymore. No matter, I will have to figure it out - since I have renewed my contract for the next two years. If I had good enough reception in the home - I would do away with the "land line", but that is not the case. We shall see who wins this battle - me or technology!
I shall return later, as I still have returns to work on. I have a solid six hours in today - maybe I will stop after 9 or so. Later..................
Saw the video this morning....
McCain seems as cranky and befuddled as ever.
Obama handles is as smoothly as you would expect him to.
Yeah I thought it was a pretty good smack down.. It might pay for McCAnt to read the papers once in a while.. and get his memory checked.. Obama talked about this last year when he was on the trail.. geeze.. lol Then it was in the papers last week, NY Times, WaPo, Reuters, Guardian...lol Again McCant shows how out of touch he is.. and I have heard several pundits today saying he just looked grouchy...lol
That phone looks wicked...not sure I would be able to figure it out either.. I hate things that are smarter than me...lol
Heard the Obama/mcCain interaction this am on NPR.... Obama's good....reeeeaaally gooooood!
Now if he can just get the economy going.....
McCain = sour grapes
Mccain is such a douche bag. No insult meant to an actual douche bag. Mr."the fundamentals of the economy are sound" himself. I bet he's a royal pain in the ass to live with.
Good luck with the new technology.
that was a really good smack down!
and oh boy, that phone looks more like a minicomputer to put in your purse.
Pres. Obama has the cool of JFK in being able to use humor to deflect things like this. Well done.
In no time flat, you and that phone will be dangerous. I hear they have a Swiss Army Knife in them if you can figure out where to find it.
i thought it was funny that you texted me "this is my new cell..." like you got a new number or something. you luddites are so cute when you try to come out of your caves.
in other news, there is a repub in my office, and 2 days ago he quips under his breath, "way to go obama, the DOW is almost at 7000". seriously?! in office just over a month. he's a retard!
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