The grandson has his tattoos affixed and lighted chapeau on...ready for his picture to be taken. No matter, that the game doesn't start for another 4 hours. I had some left-over tattoos (rub on kind) and took them over to my next door neighbor. He spent so much time erecting a sign, building a snowman - even spray painting the darn thing - and of all days the temps are in the mid 40's and Steeler Snowman is slowly MELTING!!! With the yellow painted bottom to the snowman, I felt the need to tell him to "avoid eating the yellow snow!"

So we are partying here - the two of us. I have a veggie tray, fixing sausage dip and for dinner we are having carnival hot dogs, tater tots and milkshakes. What more could a person ask? I've already warned the neighbor not to call 911, if he hears extreme yelling coming from my house - I have a tendency to become quite overt.
Things to do and prep, so catch ya...later..............
I think you have to put in your posts that the Steelers will win because.....the punter is a Canadian.
Well that's why they get our attention up here anyway.
Go Steelers!
Well, then... I won't mention that I always root for the underdog... Ho hum.... Though I do expect the Steelers to win...again!
I don't know squat about football, but it looks like you're ready for fun. Right now your team is winning!
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