Just knowing that there is a married couple out there, just moved in to their new "digs", and they
have NO furniture, breaks my heart.

Having sent out some feelers, this young man has decided to donate various pieces of furniture, he has had in storage for many years. He wants very little acknowledgement, because he likes to stay out of the limelight, usually just takes in an afternoon matinee, and remains low key.
The furniture is almost "pristine", as he outgrew it all rather quickly. He is not political by nature, so there are no feelings one way or the other regarding the recipient.

Now Mr. Bush can relax in the evenings, knowing there is a smile on his shoulder. Sorry, it is not a recliner, but this is the best I could do on short notice.

This furniture may look a little awkward, but considering the couple (man primarily) has had eight years of "awkwardness", they should adapt quite easily - I should imagine.

I love this selection - there is even a table to "kick him in the ass" as he saunters by. A gentle reminder of what multi-millions of people would love the opportunity to enjoy. A "sway back" dresser will serve nicely for him to hide all his loot that Cheney may have split from Haliburton mega-deals. No matter what, all this furniture will look lovely through an alcohol haze and I am sure will be truly enjoyed.
No need to thank me - just doing my part! Later.....
I heard that shit... I thought what the hell... if she doesn't have any furniture it's because they haven't bought any... what the hell is the deal with that.
Was that a plea for donations or what?? I swear that was the most blatent attempt at blackmail I have ever heard in my life.
What a stupid bitch.
They borrowed chairs from the Secret Service??? WTF?
Maybe they've been taking hints from the Huckabees. When Mike left the governor's mansion in Arkansas he and the missus actually did a gift registry so friends would know what to buy them to furnish their new digs.
Why is it that those that have more money than they know what to do with, expect others to give them stuff?? Wait a minute, I know IOKIYAR.
they don't have furniture--well for fuck's sake go buy some you stupid pigs--you have more money than I'll ever have in my lifetime. jebus--now I'm all upset.
oh, and I wanted to stop by to tell ya I have something for ya...
Jebus is right! Maybe Cheney could loan them some money. He wiped us out and I'm betting Haliburton's been paying Cheney big time for all those no-bid contracts.
I think it's really sweet of you to think of them. When I heard Laura Bush oinking about how they had to borrow a table from someone, I nearly peed myself.
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