Now that this woman has been released from the hospital - of course she immediately headed straight for the media. In this interview with People magazine, it is apparent to me...this woman is definitely a scam artist. Disability payments have been paid out in this country for "back and neck" injuries - as these are very hard injuries to disprove.

I guess we will have to wait and see how she decides to bilk the industries more, in order to support her new brood plus the other six children (and parents) in the home. I also think the public was mislead on her parents...I was under the impression that they lived with her as a couple and owned two other homes (lost thru bankruptcy) as husband and wife. I t appears they have been divorced since 1999.
This may be one puzzle that will never be solved.
I think that this woman is totally off her rocker. She kinda resembled angelina jolie and i think she has a kind of worship complex....only difference is angelina can afford her babies without mooching off the taxpayer. but no one would have allowed (hopefully) this woman to she figured out another way
Oh! How about the overdose of Botox she has had injected into those lips....she is some major issues...
I didn't see the interview, but I am already certain she is a con artist. The docs who participated should be barred from doing it again.
Yup! Scammer to the core. She likely witnessed the largess showered upon other maxi-multiple births by the generous (and credulous) "public," and recognized a main chance.
it's annoying, but shouldn't come as any kind of surprise, inasmuch as the dominant metaphor for 'success' in the USofA is the "lottery," and not the Shirley jackson model, either
Curiouser and curiouser!!
Scam artist, and stupid. She very easily could have wound up dead trying to stay pregnant with that litter.
She had all those kids with IVF? How in the WORLD! What friggin' weirdo doctor knocked her up that many times??? Seriously he ought to be brought to trial by the American Taxpayer for allowing it to happen.
Just say NO.
Christy: She is a "wannabe" of epic proportions.
daughter2: issues??? major understatement.
kenju: I would love to see the DOCTOR make an appearance now - he has a lot of explaining to do.
Woody: well said.
kulkuri: you said it!
Nan: apparently her own pesonal health is not a concern - neither is her offspring in my opinion.
Mommy: I agree 1000%.
This just makes me soooo angry!
I read today that she was injured in a riot at a psych ward. I want to know, was she on the staff or a patient? I'm guessing the latter.
Agh! Excuse me while I vomit! Someone needs to pack her cooch full of salt so she can't grow anything else in it!
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