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First the NY Post runs an offensive cartoon - now one California Mayor sends this out -
read here.
WTF is going on with these idiots??? I see a recall for this Mayor!!
The right has gone around the bend. The thought of a black man in the White House has made them lose what brain they had left.. They are nothing but a bunch of racist assholes. Every last one of them. That's got to be it.. there is no other explanation left.. can't be.
You have GOT to be kidding.
And how about his statement that he was "unaware of the sterotype....".
Yeah....SURE you were.
Oh come on, he said it wasn't racial. I am shocked that you don't believe him.
"wasn't aware of the stereotype"? Then why send it?? What's so funny in it if you aren't aware of any bigoted humor there? What's his explanation??
"Wasn't aware" my big fat white ass.
The fact that Obama is at least half-Black is seen by the recist knuckledraggers as tacit cultural permission to drag out all their crap.
You heard it when the apologists claimed that the NY Post cartoon was no worse than me, for example, referring to Boosh as 'the Chimperor.'
Just one more right wing moron. He should be removed from office.
I think they done gone and lost there minds completely. I'm trying to convince myself that the people in office can't be that stupid because if so I'm so scared. THERE !;_ylt=Ar8V0AO_ebMfyaGN5ocdbtIEtbAF
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