But I digress...now I have to find out wtf is going on with the water situation. This is the department I was head of for five years - and I'm not seeing any "informative" messages on the TV, other than the prior mentioned phone call.
This is not a minor situation...apparently sometime over the weekend, the chemicals used at the water treatment plant were either mislabeled or mishandled, but HYDROCHLORIC ACID was entered into the water system. The alert is telling people NO WATER USAGE at all, till further notice.
After receiving as much information as possible, I started calling people, who I know have no children in the school system, and do not watch TV in the mornings to alert them to the problem, and encourage them to call others who may not have access to this info.
I finally get hold of a friend in the City Building and tell them to have the mayor call me, as I am livid. With an issue such as this - the water service should have been shut down, turned off completely, till resolved. We have four water tanks holding thousands of gallons of water throughout the town, that now need to be emptied and flushed, this will definitely take a great portion of the day. Businesses are affected, restaurants will have to close (cannot cook or wash dishes), many situations to be dealt with here. The EPA is on its way here - and this will be a financial kick in the ass to this poor village. The hospital, doctor's offices will not be able to function at optimum levels either.
I just do not understand the dragging of feet here. Water buffaloes need to be brought in to service the residents - and no arrangements have been made in that area either.
I can see now, I am going to have to scream a little louder and force some issues. I basically am worried about the elderly, which comprise approximately 45% of our residents.
Oh hell, I need to go make some more calls...I will return later..............
WOW! Stay safe and hope it all resolves soon. What a headache!
Scary indeed. Nice to see our local officials care so much as to just sort of leisurely let people know like that. Idiots.
Our town has started a "reverse 911" system whereby in an emergency situation like this every resident receives an automated phone call from the town telling them the problem. Perhaps your town should look into implementing this system for the future - it works well for us. Even people with unlisted phones get the calls - I forget if it is automatic somehow or whether they were asked for their numbers but it works well. Good luck spreading the word.
What a nightmare! I hope you all get some answers and clean water - soon!
What a pain in the neck, not to mention dangerous. I hope the situation gets resolved quickly and thoroughly.
oooh. Take pictures of the water buffalos. :o)
What the heck? I'm with you - turn that stuff off until it's fixed! Not everyone can be reached by phone or t.v.
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