My coffee of choice is Dunkin Donuts brand. Mmmm... delicious. the Hazelnut and original blend would be my ultimate favorites of the moment. The downside to my coffee craving is the fukking price. The Dunkin Donut brand has been available at the local Kroger and Walmart for a little over a year now, and a 12 oz. package is $8.99. This will yield me approximately 40 cups of coffee. (Not in one day, by the way.)

Since a 40 cup package will not last all that long, I start to get slightly depressed knowing I have reached the bottom of the bag. I guess this would imply that I desperately do need a life.
I have found a site online where the price is $7.99, but using common sense, I would imagine once a shipping fee is attached, this would not be a beneficial route to go.
This morning started out rather well...I guess. One client called, and said he received more taxable information in the mail. Oh goody...another return to re-do.
I have made it a point to emphasize to my clients that the IRS extended the date to receive all info, but most are just anxious to file and get their money back, without thinking.I told this client to give me the pertinent info over the phone, I would re-calculate and reprint the new return - then give him a call when to pick it all up. So, I decided I would tend to that this afternoon, and proceeded to jump in the shower, wash hair and all important body parts, before "starting" my day. Ah, the best laid plans of mice and men....as soon as I got out of the shower, looking a delightful mess, the client shows up at the door. Jeebus - give me a break. What part of "I will give you a call" did he miss???
So there...my day is off to a beautiful start and you now know of my love for DD coffee. What more could a person desire?
BTW, any readers here who live in Ohio - did you know that you can get a discount card for prescriptions by going here? It does not matter if you have other prescription coverage or not - I do know it helped me afford a costly drug after my recent hospital trip. The only information required is your name and an email address. Check it out, this is a state sponsored program. And it's FREE. My kinda deal.
Have to get back to some REAL work now. Have a great President's Day. Later.......
I tried the Dunkin' Donuts coffee for the first time on Saturday. I think I liked it, but I burnt my freakin' tongue on it (still hurts), so I have no idea for sure. I'll have to be more careful next time!
Coffee lover here too, but not with the recent bout of acid reflux!
I've been drinking decaf since 1999 and I don't really taste a difference. If it's really good coffee, decaf is just as delicious. But I hear you on the price!! My favorite was Starbucks, but at $8.99 a bag it was a budget buster. But Folgers just tastes like horse tank water. So I buy a local brand called McGarvey's at $5.99 a bag. Sometimes I mix the high-end stuff with the Folgers and get as close as I can.
I like Dunkin Donuts coffee too but we mostly buy Chock Full of Nuts (French Roast is our fave) and it's darn good.
I agree, decaff doesn't taste the same!
We just did our taxes, we feel very virtuous as we usually don't do them till like April 14!
Coffee, Coffee, How do I love thee?
Gotta say, DD is OK, but I have connections in Fremont, near Seattle for beans that are just south of Heaven. The roasters used to work for Starbucks and Tully's and are still working out the details before they go live on retail.
Their French Satin Roast is so bold and luscious it should be sold at Victoria's Secret.
As for decaf...not really my thing.
Drinking decaf coffee is like taking your sister to the Prom. It's OK but not the same thing.
I'm a tea girl myself but I can so sympathize with liking the good stuff!
I am a java junky, of that there is no doubt. I like organic, free trade and it is all I will buy--but it costs a pretty penny.
I must have a bum palat or something. I can't tell the difference between regular and decaf and I drink maybe one half cup of coffee a day, so I don't care where it came from. I'm such a hooligan.
I'm a Midaglia D'Oro Espresso woman all the way. I buy 11 oz for $5.42. Brewed in a stove-top espresso maker. I brew what they call 12 cups at a time, and mix my two cup ration with a lot of hot milk and a big spoon of sugar. Breakfast in a mug as big as a soup bowl. That and a few cigarettes and I'm good to write.
Sorry about the real world intruding on the real work day. How rude to show up as you've just stepped from the shower.
We had to go decaf in the 70's and I really cannot tell the difference if it is a good brand of coffee. Do you shop at Sam's? They carry Dunkin now, as does Costco.
I often mix a cheaper bag of coffee with a bag of a better brand and get the best of both worlds for a while.
TheMom couldn't tell the difference if i switched it. i'd prove it if i had a chance to make it home longer than 9 days. junkie! good thing i'm only hooked on pr0n. that's ALWAYS a good deal.
I'm with Kenju. They sell DD at most 'warehouse' stores in bulk, generally at a better price.
Also, if you have a Kroger near you, check out their website. You can sign on at kroger.com and ping through to coupon sites that sometimes give great deals on stuff like DD coffee.
I love Community Coffee. Sadly, I can only get it now when my friends travel home to TX or LA...
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