Please, and I can't emphasize this enough - PLEASE, be careful where you place certain objects, within your body!!
It appears that a man, went to a hospital and had an object "stuck" in his rectum. I know, EGADS you say. Now the controversy is over the nurse who may have taken pictures of the X-rays with her cell phone and posted them to Facebook.
Legal vs. illegal??? So, consider this a friendly reminder as well as a word of caution from me!! Hmmm, now that Facebook no longer will OWN your pictures and info - wonder if the authorities will be able to track this one down?
There's my parting "words of wisdom", as I head to the Staples to get more laser toner. I lead a quality existence.
Open Thread March 5 2025
18 hours ago
So many warnings, on so many levels. Where to start???
She should be fired.. What is wrong with people... what part of privacy did she not remember.
Definitely a HIPAA violation, and cause to fire the nurse. It doesn't matter how amusing or unusual the butt plug is, the medical staff is supposed to keep a straight face and a zipped lip and pretend they never saw it.
Yeah, that nurse was wrong, wrong, wrong. Now someone like us? Well, we'd go and post those kinds of pix of ourselves should we ever find ourselves in such a predicament.
Sheesh. Fired? Yes. First for taking the photo and then secondly for posting it in such a public arena.
If you're a nurse and get good photos to giggle over, you should start an anonymous blog!
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