I am not going to make a big issue on the fact that Bristol Palin, 17 year old daughter of VP nominee Sara Palin - is 5 months pregnant. I can relate to being pregnant at such a young age (I was 18 with my first and unwed) - but my main gripe is that Sarah Palin does not believe in birth control or abortions...and has been preaching ABSTINENCE for quite some time.
Someone missed that class. Can we envision rebellion on the home front?
I wish the young lady all the luck in the world and would hope that a marriage at that young age, while in high school (does not have the odds in her favor) - that the relationship works out positively for all involved.
Enough said!
Open Thread March 5 2025
19 hours ago
you are a blogging NUT lately
Physically in pain...have no life...plenty of news...what else am I to do??? :)
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