Do these people honestly believe they can bullshit me as they (these female spokespersons, Fiorina and Pfote...can't spell it) sit through these interviews in their multi thousand dollar wardrobes and perfectly coiffed do's??? I am a helluva lot smarter than that - and I will find out the truth or research the facts before I let your batting eyes try to sway me. I know that women are honestly smarter than watch out McCain/Palin, we are getting mad as well as inspired!
The days are counting down and everyone is getting more tuned in - I suggest scrutiny on everyone's part from now till Nov. 4th.

With that bit of wit...I'm crashing for the night. TTFN.
And notice that Palin hasn't been seen unscripted since the Gibson interviews last week. I hope people will start to notice and question that.
I just realized (must be old age) that in this pic, the woman looks like Sarah Palin! DUH!?!?!
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