I'm shocked and totally appalled at this enterprise, by the decrepit, out of touch, McCain.
Can we tell that we are now getting to the homestretch, in the never ending political campaign??? It appears that a connection is being made to Jack Abramoff also (now serving time). Sen. Bob Ney was my neighbor (his parents still are), but please note, I was not a supporter. I guess we will have to see what comes out - that the McCain camp will dig up on Obama, but considering he has NOT had the many "years of experience" - and I use that term loosely, that McCain has enjoyed - any dirt cannot be of massive substance. I believe Obama's ties to Reszko and others has already been laid to rest, although McIdiot people still act as though these were active relationships.
Now for some more Sunday funny:
I think I am having waaaay too much fun with all of this! I am listening to a Palin defender at the moment...and he is making statements like - "she will be a perfect match for Joe Biden" - "all candidates make small gaffes in the campaign period" - and my favorite..."Sarah Palin will show everyone what she is made of Thursday night!" I leave you to your own conclusions on that one!
I had to take a politic break....thegrandson and I put out some Halloween decorations (I don't have a lot), but this makes him happy. He gets to put all the "clings" on the window - even though they are now grouped together like they are having a personal discussion - and he then tells me where he would like this and that. I usually don't decorate seasonally, but for Christmas, my house looks like a veritable North Pole. I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!! I could care less about presents even - I love to see everyone else open theirs and just look at a beautiful tree - which reminds me - I would love to have a new PENCIL or skinny tree this year. I had to go to artificial when theson was a baby, because he was allergic to the pine. He has long since grown out of that allergic state, but I prefer artificial anyway.
Have a nice, laid back Sunday (football soon) and TTFN. I have to wait till tomorrow night for my Steelers - oh well, hope it is better than last week.
Open Thread March 5 2025
19 hours ago
I'm enjoying a lazy Sunday. I'll get back to worrying about politics tomorrow.
Hubby's birthday is next weekend, so for his present all the daughters and I left him alone to watch his beloved Cowboys while we vac'd and cleaned his truck. Geez that sounds so trailer trash, don't it??
I love college football over pro, but I love nothing better than a lazy Sunday with a good game on.
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