OK - my arm still hurts, although after the ultrasound and corticosteroid lotions - I guess the miracle I was hoping for may take awhile. I have tried every brace ever made to give more support to lessen this aggravation - to no avail. Aha! And what do I get today - another frigging brace. 2 more sessions scheduled for this week, and I hope this doesn't go on forever - it would be ridiculous.
The grandson has the day off school for some teacher meetings. He has been trying to make himself happy by getting every single toy, video game and what not out on the floor. He is pouting at the moment, because I have demanded some semblance of order back to my house. Yippee - since it is a school night, at least I can get him in bed early.
My Steelers looked like crap yesterday - they deserved to lose. Now they better get back in shape and "get it together!" How about all 3 Florida teams winning? Miami, that only won one game (i think) last year, trounced the New England Patriots yesterday. There were good games on all day - overtime and all!
I have a headache, I wonder if the little brat boy will let me lay down for a short time? If he wants me to fix him dinner he certainly should, huh???
Again, I stopped at the Democrat headquarters yesterday, and they still do NOT have yard signs, pins, window signs - nothing. That's sad. I ordered a couple of pins online - I'm tired of waiting. I have a friend from Twitter who wants me to send her an Obama pin - I will now, as soon as I receive them.
Headache cure time - be back later. TTFN
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