Crazy day here - the daughter has been in pain for a couple of days and had to take her to the doctors. The pains she is having mirror a possible kidney stone or UTI, so she was prescribed Cipro and now a wait and see if the pain abates. Living with a grown daughter in pain is so much fun.
I have been absorbing so much today with all the news about AIG and watching the stock market plummet to the basement. These large companies know far in advance that their bottom line is getting redder by the minute, but wait till dire circumstances have them begging at the door of the Federal Reserve. Where do we draw the line at "bailouts?" This entire area makes my head hurt - seriously hurt!!
So, we will move on to "funner" stuff. The flak of the day if you will.

That would be the former Hillary supporter - Lady Lynn Forester deRothschild!!! Now there's a mouthful. This is an intelligent woman, an attorney, owner of a mega-million dollar telecommunications company, married to banking scion Sir Evelyn deRothschild.
This is her second marriage and the third for Sir Evelyn. His personal worth is estimated at approximately $1 billion - and the deRothschild banking worth is well over $1.5 trillion. Just your everyday next door couple. Please, someone please tell me how to define ELITE??? I listened to this woman on 4 different networks today and for as intelligent as she claims (and her resume bears out) to be - she didn't make a bit of sense. The bottom line is she does not like Barack Obama - for whatever reason - I don't know. I never heard her say that they had even met personally.
To be such an avid Hillary supporter and to switch camps and support because of "elitism" makes my head spin. Every single reporter asked her about her own status in regards to elitism - and her only reply was that she was raised by a father who worked two jobs to put 4 kids through law and medical schools. So??? Where are you now and have been since the late 80's??
Let's see, she is married into the foremost banking families in the world (which stayed in the family, rather incestuously at times), with the men marrying female cousins, to maintain that NAME. Sir Evelyn was married to his first wife in 1966 (Jeannette Bishop) and divorced in 1971. He married Victoria Schott, an American, in 1973 and separated in 1998, divorcing in 2000. This marriage produced 3 children. He married Lynn Forester Stein in 2000 and now the couple spend most of their time between London and the US. Their estate Ascott, is approximately 3200 acres. Like I said - just like the couple next door!
Oh btw, Victoria, after divorce relocated back to the states and vigorously campaigned for guess who???? GEORGE W. BUSH!
There were rumors abounding in NYC about Sir Evelyn and a group of fellow investors offering $10 billion for Lehman Brothers last week - I'm still trying to track this down in toto. Some of the investors were Michael Bloomberg, Stephen Spielberg, George Soros, Ron Perelman and some more big names we would recognize.
Back to my train of thought - they live elitism. Another shot at irony - this woman made her announcement of her support for McCain at the Republican Club of Capital Hill, a very private club with stringent membership requirements. I really need go no further...I think I have made my point. If the market ruined a few American families today - I'm sure the deRothschild's have enough distance and money, to never give a second thought. THAT IS ELITISM!!
Excuse me...do you have any Gray Poupon????
The whole post was good but your last line really set it off!
That whole thing was so hilarious. I was already mocking McCain for the whole "elitism" thing, because he and Cindy are just a man and woman of the people, right? But Lady de Rothschild made our case for the ridunkulousness of this better than we ever could. Go Lady de Rothschild!
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