Well, the infamous HUFFER (Patrick Tribbett) has been arrested AGAIN!! He was spotted by some young boys, huffing his favorite gold paint in McMechen, WV this time. Of course, he was taken straight to the Northern Regional Jail - his home away from home, and settled in nicely I'm sure!
In all honesty, I don't believe he has ever hurt anyone, while inhaling the brain cell killer - but it is an illegal offense and following protocol, he has to be incarcerated. This has to be at least the 8th or 9th time (locally) he has been arrested for the same act since 1998.
I do find it interesting that the cops NEVER let him wash his face before the conventional MUG shot! At least this way, we know for sure whether he is on a gold or silver kick at the moment.
He goes through the process, gets fined, and is back out on the streets. I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a job, nor could he possibly hold one down - so how and if these fines get paid - I doubt it! But this poses the question - why isn't he sentenced to rehab or medical care?
I have heard him converse (or sort of) and he makes very little sense, the result, of course, of the inhalants. Until he is cured - or dead...he will continually keep being arrested and new pictures will emerge. These are four pics I have had saved in chronological order...and the only difference in all would be whether his hair is combed or not!! EGADS!!
I think I watched almost every single moment of Ted Kennedy's funeral service. I have to say, I cannot remember any Senator ever having such an elaborate service, but cannot imagine Kennedy's being anything but such as it was.
Listening to Ted, Jr. and Patrick eulogize their father so eloquently was beautiful. Rest In Peace Teddy...and hopefully we can move forward and get the health care reform you so diligently championed!
I had an enjoyable evening last night, the neighbors came over for steaks on the grill and good conversation. We often chat while they are grilling something "over the back fence." So I figured I like to cook and have company, so last night was the night. We stayed on the deck till the Steeler game was over, although it got quite chilly - then off they went to get their 5 year old daughter in bed, me to clean up (love my dishwasher) and get thegrandson in bed.
Since I noted this on Facebook...my neighbor across the street will be invited next, as I think they feel slighted - that would never happen. And NO - the asshole "new neighbors" will NEVER be invited!!! Harumph!
That looks exactly like my son's first dog. Her claim to fame was that her full sibling belonged to Michael Landon. But Shar Peis are not for everyone, that's for sure.
I'm thinking that dog has been inhaling spray paint.
I saw a clump of wood ear fungus in my back yard that looked like that. It that nut job keeps huffing, it won't be long before he fries all his remaining brain cells.
If he's already as burned out as you describe, the state doesn't want to put him in rehab because he cannot be rehabbed at this point. He would become a lifetime resident of some facility where he would still find things to huff (deodorant, cleaning fluids, markers, etc.). What I don't understand is: Don't we have a three strikes law or is huffing a misdemeanor? If it's not a felony, I'd think the state with the highest rate of huffheads (that would be WV) might think that a felony charge is warranted so they'd at least get the ones who are likely to go, "Hey, kid, try this cause it'll get you high," off the f-ing streets.
PS: I'm linking your story to mine.
I bet you can't wash that paint off. Poor guy. I've read about him before. You know his mind is burnt smooth up.
Wonder who makes sure he gets his hair cut?
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