I feel that we have lost a wonderful statesman, a human being who definitely had flaws and made major mistakes in his life...but he tried harder than anyone to correct and amend those errors. He fought for the underdog and downtrodden and most of the time - won.
Admittedly, I shed many tears listening to this speech. But I "got the message!"

I got the message too. Can't seem to stop weeping today.
I to have heard the eulogy many times and it still brings tears to my eyes. His message is so true today as it was then.
And here's what makes it even more poignant...he didn't have to. He was from a wealthy family, and he could have played all of his life. Not ever paying attention to, and championing those who can't help themselves. Compared to some of his opposites, his Karma is nothing but pluses.
We are all better for him being here.
he apparently internalized the message of his good, Irish Catholic momma: "To whom much is given, much is expected." That is not a sectarian message. His father was a tyrant when no one opposed family tyrants. Under the circumstances, I'm not sure I'd not have tried to kill myself...
his greatest accomplishment, in my book, is that he prevented Robert Bork from being appointed to the Supreme Court where, were he there today, he'd be Chief.
For that act of courage, Ted Kennedy earned admission to the pantheon of true american heroes...
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