I heard more BS from the two rethug guests last night, than I have heard in a long time. Direct questions...never answered, just rambling rhetoric, more to confuse and BS the masses. But Maher's New Rules last night - was exceptional. the stats he quotes are well researched - listen to the result (last part.)
Arianna Huffington was great also - I wish she had been on the entire show!
I'll be back.............later..............

Bill seems to be the only one who actually understands what is going on and gives it to us straight. I love the way he isn't afraid to call out those who are being stupid. Bill for President in 2016
Thank you for a fine Saturday har har har. Stupid America...indeed it is. Pathetic, isn't it.
I wish Maher would have handed Issa and the other R-Redneck their asses... but then it would be hard to ever have them on.
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