This just has to go on here (video), since many can now see what this Orly Taitz looks like and acts.
"85% of Americans are upset that Obama was not properly vetted," says the goof. Is she pulling these figures out of her ass to go along with her online law degree?
Make up your own mind....I did a long time ago, when I first saw her in action.

She is a serious wackadoodle...did you ever see Jon Stewart do his take on her as a realtor/lawyer? Basically he eviserated her. Lets hope like Bachman she keeps spouting her craziness to any tv show who will listen. It only makes their side look fringe and foolish.
Is she wearing pajamas?
there is an expression in texas that covers this and people like her...
'they need killing'....
She is nuts and so are all her minions. I wonder why nobody (like her) isn't charge with forgery of those faked birth certificate?
This nutjob has no credibility. It's almost as if these birthers are a cult.
She is just a never-ending source of entertainment!
I love when she demands decency and integrity, when she obviously has neither.
I laughed my ass off when I first saw this video.
i heard (though i haven't "vetted" it myself) that she's also a dentist. she may have been born here, i don't know, but having an accent like that and then saying someone ELSE isn't american just sounds ironic.
My gawd!!! That woman's voice!!! It's like fingernails on chalkboard!!! How the hell did she get to be the spokesperson for anything? Who the eff would pick that shrill, squeaky voice to speak for others? That alone shows how insane the Birthers are. Oh, and her 85% number? Yes, she pulled it out of her ass. Even if you reverse it, more than 85% of Americans believe that Obama was born in Hawaii.
I wonder if she is in Tel Aviv to avoid getting arrested for frivolous lawsuits?
What's our extradition policy with Israel?
I like that word "whackadoodle".
Wait a minute. This do-do-head is in Tel Aviv? What the fuck? Why does she care where O was born?
I love made up statistics. How about this one: 102% of birthers shit their pants when the name Obama is mentioned.
Idiot and idiots.
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