I blogged about this house fire in December, and need to reference it once again.
I said very little regarding the individuals who resided there, but to limit my disdain, suffice it to say - DYSFUNCTIONAL barely describes the living arrangements. In brief, the "parents" resided there with their multitude of children, (current husband being the father of only two), plus the wife had her boyfriend living there also.
The woman has had many scrapes with the law in the past - and the only description I can use here, is GYPSY. She knows how to con, use her body and wiles to get just about anything she desires. That fire in December is suspected as arson, but could not be proven. **She already had 3 hotel rooms booked for the night of the fire, all family pictures were removed from house, and Christmas presents stored elsewhere...DUH?!?!
Originally, they were supposed to either renovate or tear down the house - this is our city ordinance. Now, when passing this burned out structure - there are For Sale signs tacked all over the house. The property itself is worth very little - I can't imagine anyone wanting to renovate - and again, another burned out structure will still remain, grass growing untended, varmints moving in to the disgruntlement of the neighbors...and they will get away with this. **Trust me, if I were Mayor - they would not.
Since I posted about the "new" neighbors and my unhappiness, again I find I have to bring this topic up again. Besides paying such a large sum for this house (more than appraised value for this area), they installed over $10K worth of chain link and stockade fencing...now they are having a new roof laid.
When I came out onto the deck yesterday, I did a double take - to ensure I saw what I thought I saw. This woman (of previous mentioned house fire) was lugging shingles up a ladder and onto the roof. She was working equally with two other guys.

I heard several stories last night about the work relations of "this group," and was not totally shocked.
Back to her "burned" structure. They apparently used all their insurance money to purchase another house a few miles away - thus no money for tearing down the monstrosity. I should hope (and I will encourage) that liens are placed against the property to see that is torn down and does not blight the rest of the neighborhood.
So there is my "chick" shot of the day for any horny bastards out there (theson?!?!) to enjoy. Now, if the neighbors had hired the Chippendales, I would have a different tone to this posting.
I shall probably return...........later................
Roofers, male or female, don't wear coveralls unless the weather's cold.
The woman may have an interesting personal life, but I'd give her some points for being willing to get up on a roof and use a nail gun -- I know I couldn't/wouldn't do it. That's hard, very physical labor she's engaged in. And if she wants to work on her malignant melanoma while doing so, more power to her.
Looks like Amy Winehouse doing the roof. Maybe that's her next career move?
Quite intriguing...
Hadn't thought about Amy Winehouse, but Mnmom is right. Maybe this roofing activity is part of a rehab program?
Sorry, but I have to agree with Mnmom and Nan on this one.. My cousin did the same thing.. her husband couldn't do the roofing on their house after the hurricanes in Florida because of his back and knees, so she got the ladder, got the nail gun, got the shingles and up she went.. did the roofing herself.. But that's just Vickie. She is from hearty Midwest stock and that's the way she rolls.. she also rides a HD to work everyday..rain or shine...
Sweet-Jaysus-in-a-speedo..and I thought my neighbors were lousy.
my spam word:slummer LOL!
Is she even insured as a roofer?I can almost predict what is next. She will have an injury and sue some poor unsuspecting soul.
We need some work done on our roof, have you got her number? ;)
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