Growing up, Thanksgiving was, of course, a family event. The one thing about the family I speak of, is that everyone was OLD!! My parents adopted us when they were in their late 40's, and all their relatives (cousins) were elderly, single and smelled like sachet. Envision, little old ladies, dressed in black, orthopedic shoes and the handkerchief stuffed up their sleeves. They were not happy to be around small children at all, and our place was to be "out of sight" for most of the day. No problem there, we enjoyed Macy's Christmas Parade on TV, while they all bickered in the kitchen, as to how and what to do to the BIRD! I vaguely remember, each old lady taking turns with a match to singe the hairs off the turkey, each thinking the other had not done a good enough job. My mother didn't cook - she was doing good to boil a pan of water for her instant coffee, so she stood by and let the others prepare the feast.
True to tradition, there was a "kid's table", so the adults would not have to deal with our lovely selves. No problem there, we weren't overly enthused by them either.
After the feast was completed, and the dishes washed (we had a dishwasher - which no one knew how to use), the elderly, bloated cousins had gone home...we all gathered in the den, to watch Mom and Dad address all their Christmas cards. I don't remember anyone being excited about watching football then...if there was such a thing in the late 50's! This tradition lasted till I left home at 18, and I'm sure probably a few years after that too.
After I moved out, I never had a Thanksgiving dinner with them again. I celebrated with my friends and had a truly wonderful time. Thanksgiving 1974 was my first attempt at the feast, all by myself. My future husband and I were living together (oh the shock!), and that is when I discovered that you could READ my turkey when it was done baking. Aha! You have to remove this packet of "gizzards" - why didn't someone tell me that. Oh well, it was still divine.
From that time on, we celebrated the holiday with my husband's parents and his family. Usually, this event took place at his parents - and we would stay overnight the night before, so I could help my MIL with everything in the morning. **I have to note, I had the BEST mother-in-law in the entire world. My kids were her favorites - out of 11 grandchildren at the time.
My husband was one of four boys - and total grandchildren now would be 14. My MIL passed away in 1985, and the tradition stopped there. From that point on, I fixed the meal at my house, and whoever came was fine, but usually, it was just my husband and our two kids (he had 2 sons from a prior marriage).
As I stated, even if no one comes around, I still fix the entire meal - as we love leftovers, and there is plenty to give to my fellow single neighbors. I spoke with my oldest daughter this morning, and explained to her, it is not in me to just wake up like any other morning and NOT prepare this meal. It would drive me over the edge I believe. I have to perpetuate MY TRADITION. They may call this OCD I'm afraid.
So, I have successfully completed my Thanksgiving tradition for 2008 and am satisfied. I spoke with theson in Egypt via Skype - and all is well.
Happy Thanksgiving Day to all !!
Let the Christmas holiday season begin....argh!!! I can put my tree up now and start the decorating - woohoo!