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Tuesday, November 04, 2008



The 44th President of the United States of America
He drew the American people in unprecedented numbers to the polls on November 4th, 2008, and created his position firmly in the annals of history.
We can now look forward to progress and working together to unite that which may have been separated...work together to regain our standing in the world.
This man has run one of the most electrifying campaigns that I have ever seen and that gives me great pride. To see the man, who took the high road at all times and came out the winner, and made history in my lifetime, I can say thank-you.
He should know that his grandmother is smiling down on him, and will stay in his heart as he directs us all, through the changes we need to make.
And to top it off...he is rewarding his girls with a puppy to take to their new home in Washington, D.C. He's a super-Dad too.


Warped Mind of Ron said...

He won my vote. Now all he has to do is start the job and work his hardest to somehow bring this Country back together.

David said...

I think it is also important to know that the world will now view America with open hearts and minds. For the longest time we looked at America with the same feeling, that changed last night.
We celebrate with you, and greet the new dawn of a new era. Yes you will regain your standing in the world. Gone will be the distrust and the ill feelings that go hand in hand with "the bully in the school yard".
You know exemplify hope and change in a way that electrifies.


kenju said...

YAY! I will so enjoy looking at that face and beautiful smile, and hearing him speak for the next 4 years.

arrozconpollo said...

Today is the day to celebrate. What a relief to not have to worry about that dingbat Palin and the neocons controlling this country.

Tomorrow is the day to start holding our representatives' feet to the fire, including Obama. Obama will only be successful if he fulfills his promises. That said, we must also be prepared to combat the right wing attacks, which will undoubtedly start very soon. And those attacks will largely be vicious and deceptive.

Claire said...


Anonymous said...

Better days lie ahead!

Chickie said...

*insert Snoopy happy dance here*