I think people, in general, are still on a sort of natural high after the results were announced last night. The realities are hitting home - this is where we stand - a moment in history that our children and grandchildren can cherish. A moment, I for one, never thought would happen in my lifetime.
Then I start reading this article, and flashes of the Selma march, the Rosa Parks story all go through my mind like an old B&W movie. Peggy Wallace Kennedy, daughter of George C. & Lurleen Wallace, makes some eloquent statements regarding her bigoted father and how in some remote thought, he might have actually voted for Barack Obama. I am still trying to rationalize whether she really believes that her father had an epiphany or could that actually have happened.
I have to admit, after Wallace was shot and paralyzed in a failed assassination attempt - I never gave much thought to him. The memories of his hateful speeches and actions did not allow me much room to forgive him. As a daughter, I am sure she truly knew him better than most - and I do remember his tears when his wife died from cancer.
Be that as it may - CHANGE is what is coming, and I would predict that when we pull up our bootstraps and work together - it should all be good. Whoopi Goldberg said today on "The View" that she is hoping Obama followers (the young black lads) will follow his lead and "pull up" their pants, and we wouldn't have to see any one's underwear and watch that duck waddle.
So goodbye Johnny Mac....goodbye Caribou Barbie....goodbye obscene accusations....goodbye "My friends".....let's turn the page and move forward!!!
**P.S. All my Obama campaign materials, yard sign, door sign, pins and door hangers - are all being sealed and packaged for thegrandson. This piece of history is for him!
Well put. The first time I visited the US was in the 70's on a high school band trip. It was a trip to Hagerstown Maryland.It was on this trip, that for the first time in my life, I experienced racism and bigotry first hand. We hand a black student that could not attend the "welcome dinner" that the town had for us, because it was at a Golf club that had a strict policy on who could enter the doors.
Yes that now seems like a life time away, especially after watching last night, and feeling the goose bumps that over came me.
Still, when I think back 37 years to that trip to MD, I remember how shocked I was that this could be part of the world.
So happy to witness the change.
Nice post!
From what I've read about Wallace I think if he had lived this long he would have voted for Obama. He started off with strong populist leanings and in his later years admitted in an interview conducted (IIRC) by John Kennedy jr for the magazine George that his segregationist posturing and catering to racists for political advantage had been deeply morally wrong and had done serious damage to both his state and his country.
I am so heartened by what's going on right now.
Nan - not to mention his soul!
Dave - that is so sad.
DCup - right there with you my sister!
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