Things have been accomplished today, but nothing of great consequence. I think I am totally worn out. My ass is literally dragging.
Between all the cleaning and rearranging furniture, parenting duties for thegrandson, baseball practices and games...I now know why this was all so much easier when I was YOUNGER.
The rest of the required baseball gear was purchased after having to go to several different sports stores. There is no reason I guess, why this should be an easy task! By the time we returned home from that escapade, thedaughter had to go to work, so I laid down and my body was honestly craving a nap...I rested, but no sleep was had. This may all be caused by the sudden HOT temperatures of today. We went from a 60* day yesterday to 88 degrees by late afternoon. It is now 10 pm and still 75*. This is what I consider "unreasonable temperatures" this early in Spring. No doubt we will be inundated with thunderstorms soon.
I have made my rounds of all your blogs, but have not made any comments today - I'm sorry. I promise to be back in the swing (with any luck) of things tomorrow. I have nothing planned - NOTHING at all. Well, I may have to start on some laundry and get a few things taken to the basement - but I will try to get back to your sites tomorrow and comment.
Have a good one - I am going to try and get thegrandson to snuggle a little, before his mom gets home from work at 11:30pm.
I will return....later.......

I am dragging too! And yes, that weird leap to hot temperatures was hard to handle.
yes, it has been hot here the last few days.. it got up in the 80's the last few days.. but I just refuse to turn on my AC yet.. just now enjoying not having the heat on...lol so am trying to make do with fans and an open window or two.. it is nice though, I am ready for the warmer weather. I really am.
We've gone from high 80s to low 30s in the space of one day. I slept till 11:30 this morning. So I guess ass dragging is the norm. I'm still thinking about cleaning my closet and coloring my hair. But it's 2:30 and I haven't had breakfast yet. Well, there's always tomorrow. I should start a procrastinators club.
Nice coffee cup.
Turned the pilot off on the furnace the other day. Think warm weather is here for awhile.
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