The downspout in the front of the house was never done properly, as it ties in to another spout in the front also. It's hard to explain, but when one hires an idiot, one gets what they pay for!! That would be me!

I am not going to get into the expense of removing the front porch to fix that problem at this time. So I have actually corrected a problem - at least 50% of the problem.
But I digress a little. I couldn't buy the length of pipe necessary, so I had to purchase a five foot pipe. I DON'T OWN A DECENT SAW - which could be considered problematic. Aha, I do own a rusty hacksaw, that has been sitting out in the weather, because someone never put it back in its proper place.
Not being super strong, I managed to get the pipe cut in two sessions, probably 15 minutes total time. I am proud of my accomplishment. Not bad for a very hot day, I would say. Now, I can kick back for a short while, and wait for thegrandson to get home from school. are the two pieces I removed, which served no purpose at all.

My arms are tired now - getting old definitely sucks balls. So behave and enjoy the moment...later..............

Nothing like the feeling of accomplishing something by yourself. Way to go! Now all you have to do is crawl under the porch and fix that other pipe :)
Good job!! Can you raise the other end of the one that goes under the porch?? Maybe cut the other downspout and raise and glue it back together with a coupling.
Good work! I'm worthless for jobs like this around the house. Now I know who to call when I need my taxes done and some drainage work!
Good job. And nice work with the handsaw!
if i ever make it back stateside, i'll crawl under there and fix the crossover pipe. but it'll have to be pre-bar. love ya.
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