Face it folks, I grew up during the late '60's and '70's, my husband's nickname was Hippie, and we smoked pot! Call the cops and just try to have me arrested. (**Dr. Monkey - you can steal this picture if you desire!)
Back then, smoking pot was of course, illegal (unfortunately still is today), but we managed to have a great crowd of friends - and all in all, we did not end up brain damaged. To "get high" was a way for me to relax at the end of the day. Some interesting discussions were had and we may have tried to solve all the world problems also - but there were no fights or arguments either. Oh, I can't forget the "munchies" either.

We have reached the point in time, when someone desires to run for public office, the question of drug use comes into play. Face it folks - most of those people are from my generation - and I guarantee some have tried pot, maybe even some other illicit drugs. But that is not where they are today. Call it a phase or whatever you desire. There was a time when the challenge was to see how many people could cram into a phone booth (which do not exist anymore), or swallow goldfish - phases all.
I do not smoke regularly anymore and haven't for years. But there have been times when a toke or two puts me in a better mood. There's honesty for ya.
But to those that care...Happy 420 Day! At 4:20pm - light 'er up and run like hell!

Isn't today 4/21 ?
You must have forgot to blog about it yesterday. Can't imagine why.
Personnaly, I forgot what month it is. Oops.
Lemmy: Senility is setting in. My kids better be looking for a good nursing home.
Totally honestly: I have smoked it before, but the feeling makes me uneasy. I have loads of friends who still do it. At parties, it's well known to not pass anything to me. But, I certainly have no issues with it. I agree with you - why isn't this legalized yet?
My biggest issue is that is a motivation killer. I know too many good people whose lives could have been so much more, but they just "tuned out" . That's okay I suppose but as the saying goes; "at the end of your life you will regret the things you did not do more then the ones you did."
I have no problem with pot being a de-motivator. Potheads content to get by working at McDonald's probably do less damage to the world than the cokeheads working on Wall Street.
My biggest issue is that is a motivation killer.My only comment to that would be it sounds like you are describing someone using to excess.
Being a social drinker won't really affect your life or livelihood....but drinking to excess certainly will.
Same concept.
No domestic violence, no crazed drunk driving crashes, no bar fights, but pot is the gateway drug that leads to nothing but trouble. Oh well, I have to make brownies, seems Fat Cat considers the month of April cause for celebration!
Lemmy I agree with you. Pot is only a motivational killer when used to excess, the same as alcohol. Some want to blame mary jane for driving people to harder drugs or that it is addictive. Grrr...makes me mad.
Smoking weed always made me paranoid.
I tended toward things that kept me awake instead - like coffee, cigarettes and prescription weight loss medication.
I quit all but the coffee, which I still ingest to excess. We all have to have ONE thing, right?
It's 4/20 all year long for me.
You know, there are so many things I did that I wish I hadn't, but I usually only did those sorts of things when I ran out of pot.
I used to love getting high when I was younger. These days I can't smoke any thing, sigh.
As for ganja being a gateway drug, most of those that go on to stronger drugs also drank milk. Those that go on to harder drugs do so because mary jane isn't strong enough or doesn't give them the high they want. I know people who have never gone past weed in 30-40 years or if they have, they went back to weed.
Love the "milk" point Kulkuri! Hilarious and true.
I also know plenty of folks who have used weed for years and never moved on to harder stuff.
Marijuana has to be the tamest drug available, including prescription pain medicine that 50% of driver's are probably on at any given moment. Marijuana doesn't lead to other drugs or violence or reefer madness. It leads to an empty bag of Cheetos and reduced will to work. And for that it gets banned. Too bad it doesn't make teenagers commit suicide like Paxil or cause rednecks to become (more) violent like al-kee-hol or put arsenic in our bloodstream like cigarettes, all of which are legally attainable.
Me, I can't seem to kick the paint. I will not blame marijuana for that way. For me, sniffing Elmer's glue in Kindergarden was my gateway :)
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