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A good friend e-mailed this to me. It's truly a shame that I don't have a man in the house to practice this philosophy. Oh and by the way...when I did have a man here - no way in hell did I even come close to any of this garbage!! Have a laugh on me!

jeez... don't question him, even if he stays out all night?? I am far from being a feminist or anti-man (luvs the men) but this shit is for the birds.
btw, are ya done with taxes? I'm still waiting on those that call me on the 14th. :(
of course without the feminist revolution of the 60s and 70s you WOULD still be doing all of this. we still need MORE feminist revolution as far as I'm concerned...
Yep, that's how it Still is in a lot of households I dare say.
That's why I am perfectly happy the way I am..single and loving
I think they all secretly want it to return to those days. They really had it made, didn't they???
I've seen that before and it always makes me laugh!
OMG that was for real! Can you say "hell no!"
It explains all the affairs, etc. on Mad Men. Sanctioned by Good Housekeeping, yet!
That's me in the shorts, looking abashed for some imagined fault,..
hahahahahahaha! I followed a lot of those "rules" during my first marriage. Fuck that noise.
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