Thank you John abuzz, for the lovely award. I truly love when someone sends an award my way. Especially, because I think I babble, and do not consider myself a writer by any means.
The award is:
- a dedication for those who love blogging and love to encourage friendships through blogging.
- to seek the reasons why we all love blogging.
I began blogging after encouragement from my son. I was satisfied with keeping up with his world travels, by reading his blog, but never gave much thought to starting one myself. One thing led to another, and I set up a site and began. Essentially, I started with the ho-hum events in my life (boring at times), but in return my son would be able to relate to "back home." It was an outlet to vent frustrations, happiness and whatever mood I would be surrounded with at the moment.
There, of course, was the ocassional political posting, which as election time neared became more and more prevalent. I found many followers after this past election, and of these writers - I do consider a friendship exists. After a post I might receive an e-mail from some, rather than a comment on the site, and from there...life has been good.
In this vast interweb universe, I have connected with those who share similar beliefs or have experienced the same traumas in their life. We have found we do survive and can continue our lives and expand our voices. One "blogger friend" lives over 2000 miles away, but I feel like I know her so well and we have experienced similar traumas - I just want to reach out and hug her - but the ability to post keeps us close for now.
I do believe anyone who "blogs" has a cadre of friendships amassed and all feel close in one way or another. Thanks John, for giving me this opportunity.
The aims of this award:
As a dedication for those who love blogging and love to encourage friendships through blogging.
To seek the reasons why we all love blogging.
Put the award in one post as soon as you receive it.
Don't forget to mention the person who gives you the award.
Answer the award's question by writing the reason why you love blogging.
Tag and distribute the award to as many people as you like.
Don't forget to notify the award receivers and put their links in your post.
I am now passing this privilege on to the following:
Utah Savage (when she has the time and feels up to it)
Happy to Be From Iowa
Lisa at That's Why (if she has any time at all - between moving and commuting?!?!)
Liberality (who probably has NO time at all.
I'll be around to let y'all know I've sort of "tagged" you.

Wow, I love awards. I didn't know bloggers got awards when I started blogging, but that first award thrilled me more than anything I can remember in the way of recognition for doing something smart and or good. So, bless you my child. I'll start thinking on this one.
Odd that I should get an award on the day technorati stripped me of another point. In this past month I have lost two technorati points. If these were IQ points I wouldn't be half so upset. What am I doing wrong you technorati thugs?
Thank you so much for this. I am forever amazed at how I've connected with people from all over via this medium.
I am honored to call you a friend and I hope that we'll get to meet someday. I imagine you to be an absolute scream to be around.
You are so welcome for the award! Be sure and add it sometime to your sidebar collection.
I enjoyed reading this post...very well written! I know your son must enjoy it tremendously!
Thank you so much. You are such a sweetie. Hey, are you relaxing yet? Tax time is over for another year, YEAH!
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