After hearing thedaughter's complaints of how hot it was in her bedroom and she couldn't sleep - I ran and got new filters and turned the sucker on. Thedaughter could put her window unit in herself - it is small and not super heavy. I even offered to help - NO!! She wasn't going to do it yet because she doesn't have the time?!?!?! Seems to me 15 minutes can be found just about anywhere.
With no cold air returns to the upstairs, the whole house AC doesn't benefit the two upstairs bedrooms at all - that's why they each have a window unit.
Sleeping wasn't too bad for me - I had the ceiling fan spinning at full tilt and the windows open. The cat enjoyed the breeze, and I'm not sure where the dog went to get cool.
I opened an e-mail this morning, one of those "remember when" types. Bringing back all the memories of the "olden days" for those of us over 50. The first picture brought back such dreadful memories:
These are almost identical to the uniforms we had to wear in high school for gym class. The only difference is, ours were all snap fronts with an inset belt waistline (no buckle). I have to admit, these uniforms were one reason I managed to weasel out of gym class - A LOT!! Look at these idiotic things, the legs were like bloomers, they offered nothing in the way of "fashion."
Besides the ugly uniforms, having to take community showers after class was a definite turn-off for me. Nope - "no gym, I'm having a perpetual period for the next several months." Suffice it to say, I accomplished the bare minimum to pass this mundane class. Did I mention it took me three days to run the 440? Damn, the boy's wood shop class was at one end of the field, and I always stopped to gab...till end of class - and never got to the finish line. Ahhh, the good old days!

Besides the ugly uniforms, having to take community showers after class was a definite turn-off for me. Nope - "no gym, I'm having a perpetual period for the next several months." Suffice it to say, I accomplished the bare minimum to pass this mundane class. Did I mention it took me three days to run the 440? Damn, the boy's wood shop class was at one end of the field, and I always stopped to gab...till end of class - and never got to the finish line. Ahhh, the good old days!
I eat potato chips on tuna salad sandwiches. So no, you're not alone.
We wore insanely ugly gym uniforms too, and had to take community showers, with the gym teacher standing there and checking off you name as you emerged. Horrifying.
As a kid, I always put my chips inside my sandwich during lunchtime. These days, I'll do it if I'm feeling particularly nostalgic. It's as good as I remember.
I sometimes dip tuna salad with corn chips, which is scrumptious. Here in Nuevo Mexico we mix green chile in everything, so my tuna salad always has a generous dollop of green mixed in with the mayo (and sometimes horseradish sauce)...tuna nachos, sorta...
If I allowed myself to buy potato chips I would put them on everything. God that sandwich looks good.
I'm caving shortly.... if I make it through today, I will most definately not make it through tomorrow..... Nope, potato chips out of bag, into dip and into mouth. Skip sandwich!
PS....about the honest award... I'm so sorry to feel so unmotivated..will get to it eventually....in the meantime I am NOT ungrateful...just lazy and blue....
I like peanut butter and fritos. Perfect combination.
We wore ugly uniforms for gym too. We also had to do the community showers. We were allowed to lower the top part of the uniform and wash under our arms if we had our period. The gym teacher wrote a M next to your name and if you had more than 5 Ms per month, they'd think you were lying. Ugh!
Chips on a sammich! Mmmm... I love the crunch factor.
No community showers at my school thank god, but if they let me in with the women I would have considered it ;)
Ever have chips in ice cream??
The showers at school were a bunch of shower heads in one large room. The girls had shower stalls.
don't feel bad. i turned mine own 3 days ago!
Sounds like our heat went east - I ran the AC for a couple of hours last weekend.
I had a navy blue version of the gym suit. We called them "gussies" because that we the name of our teacher.
There is nothing better than bologna mustard pickles and chips all on white bread. Best sandwich ever. Had it last week before the locusts ate all the bread.
I too was forced to wear the infamous gym uniform, obviously designed by the lesbian gym teacher who sat in her office and chain smoked while watching us do jumping jacks. Yuk.
Our gym suits were banana yellow, same design. We called them, what else? Banana suits.
I was so happy when in my sophomore year (since I was at the end of the alphabet) there was no room for me in the girl's gym class and I got to take gym with the boys! How cool is that?!
The only other girl was always on her period, so she just sat in the bleachers. I got to play soccer and good stuff like that instead of square dancing! LOL!
Sandwich treat my girls enjoyed - Nachos with ketchup. Yuck!
My Mom and I - years ago. Cucumber with peanut butter on toast.
We had ugly gym uniforms, too, and the girls shower was one of those large, open communal ones with multiple showerheads. Within two weeks of school starting each year everyone knew exactly who was stuffing her bra.
Why, yes I do put chips on my sandwiches. And The Actor puts Goldfish crackers on his pbj.
I put them on my sandwiches too. I think it's a nice way to get everything good in one bite!
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