After I watched the original clip of Hannity insisting he has "never watched PORNography", I ran across the Turks viewpoint. Oh kid became a liberal because he watched pornography in college! Is that NOT the most asinine statement you have ever heard?
Thankfully, I can say theson probably got all his "porn" training at college and not from the stockpile of films in this house!!!!! chuckle, chuckle!

It was like he noise was growing as the segment went on.
Does anyone believe he never watched porn?? The reddest states have the most pay-per-view porn sales and other porn sales. At least those on the left are honest about porn, not doing it in secret.
Okay I FINALLY got around to the Meme!!!
It was the porn that made me like this??? Crap! Oh and if a guy ever say's he has never seen a porn it means he's seen so many he might have starred in some.
Or else they have seen so much they have forgotten what reality
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