This morning started, just as any typical morning. Wake up, scratch ass, grab a cigarette and head to the bathroom, finish there and proceed to computer to see what cataclysmic event may have happened during a fitful sleep.
Egads...an email from theson in Egypt and he has major issues - begging me to look for an important article - adding it may be in this spot or possibly in his room...which all sets my heart racing. Now, don't ask me why I let little things like that bother me...BUT I DO!! If this "issue" cannot be rectified - it could cost him major $$$, and as a mother - I want to do ALL I can to ensure things and life move smoothly.

I move and toss quite a few articles, and cannot find this specific item...but I did find a receipt with appropriate numbers (my great sleuthing abilities), and can now MAKE THIS PROBLEM GO AWAY!! Yippee....Mommy to the rescue and I won!
I then have to DESCEND the stairway back to computer world...which brings me to the reason I hate stairs. My legs and hips (arthritis) just abhor being stressed on steps. Silly me, one foot after the other and before you know it - at the bottom. Cool!
After many more IM's, I believe theson may have had the onus of possible penalties off his mind, and I then completed another chore for him to purchase a product online. All in a mornings work - for a MOM! It's definitely a good thing that I love these critters so much - or they would not know what to do.
Since I have a NEW chore added to my days list (mail the sons form), I cancelled my tanning - because I was now running very late. Oh well, I guess new cancer cells can wait till tomorrow.
I have been trying to get this posted for the past 3 hours...but oh no, clients calling and still dropping off information. Crapola...I have made an executive decision - the rest of the day is MINE - no tax work at all. I will clean the bathroom, since I asked thedaughter to do it this morning (right?!?!) Then decide what I will add to my salad for dinner that is new and calorie free. The decisions are killing me today.
I'm outta here before something else happens.....later............