...and shredding so many papers, just call me Nixon! And this is only ONE bag of three that I have managed to fill. There comes a time, where I have to clean out my clients files. In some I realized I had copies all the way back to 1994 - what was I thinking. The reality of a shredding moment hit me, because I could no longer fit some files in their bins.

Neatness was not happening either. Since my paper shredder is the size of a bathroom waste basket, I was constantly emptying the animal - and it has this trap like mechanism on the bottom, which sent shredded paper flying all over the floor, each and every time. Grrrr..... In the past, I have gathered all the old returns - and had a fire in the backyard to "destroy" all that data. Since it is early in the season (plus we have "dry air - fire") weather alerts - I chose to spin the dial on the electric meter.
I still managed to accomplish a significant amount today. I started tanning - because my pasty white skin is driving me nuts, and besides that - it is a tradition. Since I am usually getting psyched about a cruise by now, old habits die hard. I'm trying NOT to get depressed about no travel this year. Several returns completed, grocery shopping accomplished - it is now time for a break.
Our sunshine is on the way out, and we are supposed to have rain for the next three days - that sucks big time. Have to go figure out something for dinner - so have a great time all.....later............
Lots of rain here too, and I am also pasty white. But no tanning for me. One bout of cancer is enough!
I killed my shredder in one fit of file clearing, and it was mostly my mother's medical and medicaid and social worker, nursing home, and hospice worker files. It died with my mother's history.
I'm envious that you can even think of tanning. It's sort of sunny here, but in the low 50s and going to rain and get colder than the turn to snow, so for the next four days, it will be very cold and wet here. But then we need the water.
You do sound very energetic. I'm trying to do nothing but read blogs today. Thursday morning I will have a painter in to paint one of the four triangles that is my ceiling. There was a drip from the big port hole sky light and left a slow drip line down the wall. I've been waiting to make sure it's fixed. So tomorrow I move furniture, rugs, nicknacks, art, etc. And then I have to figure out what to do with my big crippled dog during all this hubbub.
If you garden, the shredded stuff makes decent mulch. Breaks relatively fast, too, which is always a plus.
Hmmmm.... did you have shredded beef for dinner?
You're allowed to shred in your business? Don't you have to keep records for a certain period of time? (I gotta keep mine for ....like...ever...!)
Mnmom: One bout with cancer is enough for me also...but I just seem to keep tempting fate somehow.
Utah Savage: Trust me, my energy is definitely limited. In my mind I can go on for hours - physically that is not happening.
Nan: If I had someone to "turn" the ground, I might consider planting a small garden.
WMOR: Damn, that meat is hard to get out of the "cutters."
Giggles: I have to keep 7 years of paper reurns (I make it 8 usually). I have data on backup disks going back many more years.
I need to go through paperwork and shred some things. It's horrible the amount of stuff I've allowed to accumulate.
As a previous commenter wrote you can use your paper shreds in compost. I wrote about it in my blog entry a couple weeks ago. Just throw in some veggie and fruit scraps, with coffee and tea bags and a few other things and your lawn and garden will love you. I have provided several links on composting in the blog entry. I always make sure to use a very finely crosscut shredder when I am shredding such important information.
We still don't have a shredder. I know we need one but it seems like one more job!
That looks like my exact shredder!
The web site FileStoreShred.com maintains a list of free paper shredding events at locations from coast to coast. These events are faster and easier than shredding your own stuff.
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