Listen folks, I had probably one of the first Barbie dolls, and it was just that...a fucking doll. When the doll was first introduced, the only accessories available were a few clothes. The car and dream house came out much later. If anything, I would think that the "little girls" would presume life to be more like that in a "doll's world", with all the gimmicks available.
Where does one draw the line? I'm sick and tired of the changed philosophies on child rearing over the years. Crapola, we had to cut our own "switch" to have discipline become our priority. We had padded asses to be whacked, to keep us in line. We learned respect, from our teachers, because they controlled our lives for more waking hours a day than our parents - and they had the "paddles" in all shapes and sizes. No one was abused. We were disciplined.
I can honestly say that there is nothing wrong with my generation - we have our fair share of whack-jobs, just like any other. But nothing can be blamed on the toys we had to enjoy.
My question Mr. Legislator...what would you do with the G.I. Joe's and far fetched alien toys that are played with? Again, where do you draw the line?
Get a fucking grip!! Pay more attention to important matters of the day, i.e., the economy, unemployment, etc...
OK, I feel better now!!!

With all the negative attention on WV already, this just makes us look worse. Don't these people have better things to do than squabble over a Banning Barbie Bill?
OMG, Maybe they should consider banning all toys that may give false expectations, like the 'I may be able to retire someday' Skipper, the 'Post traumatic Stress isn't real' GI Joe, and the 'I can pray the gay away' Ken.
I thnk we should get rid of all the war toys and hope that boys focus on their intellect - they are the ones who create most of the turmoil in the world!
you don't need to get rid of violent toys for boys. come on, we are pre-men, WAY less impressionable than the dainty female of the species. pshaw! craziness!
Is he smoking crack?
Yeah...and he gets PAID for doing that?! Get a real job, asswipe!
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