Patrick Tribett, a local person of some notoriety - has been arrested again. I am totally amazed that this guy has enough brain cells to even be alive. This picture was taken on the 21st, when he was arrested (in Wheeling) for "huffing" and on an outstanding felony warrant here in Ohio.
When he was arrested in 2005 (one of many), I watched the cops take him away. He had been wandering around town with all this gold paint on his face - like it was the "thing to do." I stopped in the police station and to say they were downright "belly laughing" would have been an understatement.
The felony warrant is for leaving a half-way house here in Ohio. They must have been out of spray paint.

That mug shot is EPIC !
Thanks for the chuckle!
What a Hoot! As the economy gets worse people will find a way to get high, but why why would you do that???
My first thought was 'What happened to Harrison Ford?"
Then I read the article.
What a dumbass! And I thought there were just crackheads and meth addicts making the news.
I used to see lots of huffers in Huntington. Don't see as many around Charleston. That mug shot is classic!
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