I sort of posed the quandary on Facebook...whether to get another tattoo or a nose ring. The votes were about the same for each. Since I have 3 tats already (nothing gaudy or ostentatious), I am leaning towards a NOSE RING. Something like this guy is sporting, may be a little "too much", as it would probably get stuck in my coffee cup and I would have to call 911...then endure the laughter and jokes - all made behind my back probably! Putting on makeup might pose a few problems also. Therefore...this one is OUT!!!

Since I truly love jewelry and sport my good stuff frequently - this one "caught my eye." I'm not quite sure what it is attached to - or if it would just connect with one of the holes I have pierced in my ear (there are six in one ear). But I can see so many downsides to this offering as well. Coordination not being my long suit...I would probably get my tongue caught in it as I try to lick my lips or something. Thegrandson might even try a quick shot at "jump rope", just for shits and giggles.

Having my better judgement kick in...this will be what I actually have done. It is definitely demure and conservative - so very unlike me, but what the hell. I think it will be a trip. My late best friend had her nose pierced at 60 years of age, and she loved it - although her husband wasn't a big fan. I say - go for the gusto. When I was growing up, it seemed like the "old folk" - say late 50's and up - were content with being old. I only knew one lady - in her late 60's, who was a well known artist, who had the nerve to be different. I loved her immensely. She vacationed at nudist colonies several times a year, spent many months at art colonies..wore flamboyant clothing and jewelry - and I LOVED her. My parents were all about "keeping up appearances."
I guess that is my motto today - I keep up my OWN appearance. I will definitely be posting pictures when this piercing has been accomplished - probably the first week of April. I hope I don't have a cold in my nose at the time!!
Have a great evening - it is cold, rainy and dreary here - no sunshine till Friday. Catch y'all......later......
I can't wait to see what you do! Pix when you do, right?
What about a belly ring? Or maybe a va-jay-jay ring?
Lisa: Of course there will be pictures! Now I'm getting psyched.
First, I would have to find that belly button - haven't seen it in decades. And no one but me would ever see the va-jay-jay area! My life sucks!
No, don't do it!
Oh ok, go ahead I guess. Better you than me. Yeah, I'm biased. But my daughter has one and she likes it. It just seems weird to me is all.
I don't mind having pierced ears because it is easier to wear earrings that way. I tried the clip on and the screw backs and it just wasn't working. Plus it didn't hurt too much or was even very noticeable if I didn't wear earrings. But I only have 1 hole in each ear.
I would go for the first one, but I guess the third one is OK :)
If my pores weren't the size of craters I might think about it. I though about getting a tat on my ass for the folks in the anatomy lab to laugh at when they get my old shriveled corpse to work on.
Have fun.
Oh, and I'm here to tag you in a simple meme and steal your http thingy for a little linky love. There will be rules.
The guys nose ring does allow full access to the mouth for eating and applying lipstick.
I may experience a greater-than-normal amount of nasal accretion, but I don't know how the little button on the inside, holding the pin through the nostril doesn't get horribly caked with snot?
(okay, okay, more than you wanted to knkow...) otoh, I have always though tongue-piercings might be a real pleasant, or at least interesting, fellatial sensation.
Veggie Stick has a nose ring and she likes it. It's cute on her.
I had nipple rings at one time but Mr.Man hated them.
I thought they were sexy and was pretty pissed off when he begged me to take them out.
Hurt like a bitch when I got them done too...
I've always wondered the same thing as Woody...
But if you want it, go for it!
I have two tatoos and would definitely get a third, but the hubby is not a fan - although he paid for number two and DROVE me to the place to get it.
I like the idea of a nose ring and think the demure stud is cute...but not sure I want one for ME...maybe when I am 80? Really freak the grandkids out?
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