...after all the bullshit I heard this morning. I had to wait until 8 am this morning to get hold of someone at thegrandson's school and at the school board office. The school was first, and I asked if they were going to air our president's message to the students today. Their reply was, "no, we don't have the technical ability to show it here." I let this woman know in no uncertain terms - that was the biggest pile of garbage I have ever heard. My next call was to the school board office, and the secretary who answered, gave me the reply "no, we aren't, would you like to speak to the superintendent?" Get a fucking grip woman...of course I do!!
He and I spoke for a good fifteen minutes, and I told him I was not happy with the decision, I was not happy with the LIES between the school and his office either. He informed me that his office was inundated with phone calls last week over this speech by our President. I asked him, why he had made the decision - BEFORE HE EVEN KNEW THE CONTENT OF THE SPEECH! He said it was his call and that's how he decided. That wasn't good enough for me. He now knows that I was not happy that this speech had been politicized - and that OUR students were on the losing end of this debate.

Well, I made MY executive decision, and called the school and informed them that I would be picking up thegrandson at 11:30 am. They asked for a reason, which I was forthright and told them - "so he can watch our president give his address to students in America." The reply was, that would be an unexcused absence! My reply - "then do what you have to do - I'm picking him up!" When I showed up at the school, not a word was said and out the door we went. As you can see here, thegrandson watched Obama's speech online - although it was also on CNN live. Thegrandson was nodding his head at so many of the statements, and when it was over, we discussed exactly what he thought was being said.
Thegrandson is like most nine year olds, quick and sharp. He caught on to every word and the reasoning to stay in school, set goals and strive to be the best you can be. I'm not ashamed of what I did, nor would I hesitate to do it in the future.
I have fired off e-mails to the local TV stations and news outlets, expressing my disdain for these shallow and racist people...and their decisions. I also put into the e-mails, that our school superintendent even suggested that they would "capture the speech and put it on their website." BS!!!!! These kids do not go to that website, another LAME excuse.
Enough of that for now. Thegrandson has all his homework completed for tomorrow and is playing until his friends get home from school. All is well in my household!
If anyone follows me on Facebook...I spent a great deal of time there this morning, and I am grateful for all my friends and family...and their support!
Have a great day all....mine is soooo much better now!!

wow I'm so glad I stopped by today for my first visit!! You are my kinda girl and I want to say YEA!!! GOOD FOR YOU!!! My granddaughter is just 2 but she knows when I say Obama, and we watched together the speech! It was inspiring and I feel bad for the kids with the horrible school systems and the ignorant parents they must endure each day! This hopefully will backlash against them, its a disgrace!! Now I gotta calm down! Sue
Infuriating. A tax funded public school has absolutely no business being used to make a political statement and not showing the president's speech is a political act.
If in the context of your conversation with the Super you didn't call him a gutless piece of shit, I 1) applaud you but 2) regret your caution...
It needs to be said loudly, and at every occasion: the Superintendant of our schools is a gutless piece of shit...
I am so proud to know you today. Good on ya girl! To politisize such a speech and turn a great message from a true achiever in society into something sinister is the height of evil.
The thought that occurred to me is; How weak is the Never-Rights policies if they are afraid to have their kids listen to Obama??? I know they don't want the people to have a good education because then they won't vote for them.
As I said over at Sue's blog.. I want a bucket to catch the egg from the faces of all the damn wing nuts so I can throw it back at them.. of course now they are saying they made him change his speech..well they can kiss my ass and his.. they are so ignorant and it is showing.. there was so much real support but no one is really talking about that.. that last poll I saw was running about 77% for the President to speak to all the students yet, they still are going through this crap. Since when did the voices of the very few determine the outcome for the many.. I always thought it was the other way around.
I heart you for speaking up to the educational powers that be..be full of shit!
I had many a run-in with assholes like that when my son was in grade school. What bothered me was thinking "this idiots are running the schools and the entire school district..these assholes?
Good for you. My husband had to talk me out of driving over to the school and choking the living shit out of the principal. And I live in IL - Obama was our senator! Something about it not fitting into the 'instructional content'.
I am proud to know you.
Can you imagine the shit storm if this particular shoe were on the other foot?
Bravo, sister. Bravo.
Yay for you! How many times did I hear from conservatives during the previous administration that even if I didn't agree with the President's policies - I at least had to show respect because he was the President. Well it goes both ways, oh wait, apparently it doesn't. Way to let the superintendent know that your voice counts and that you'll be voting him out of office as soon as you have an opportunity to do so.
Way to go Mom, It's good to see parents who can make informed decision since our schools can't seem to.
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