I guess you could say I was as frightened and more aware as the next person. One of the results of that awful day...was the Patriot Act. As it came out in bits and pieces, I thought some things sounded good, but the issue of the wiretapping just never sat right with me.
I flashed back to the mid 60's, when Robert Kennedy and J. Edgar Hoover had quite a blowout over wiretapping - and it pissed me off at that time as well. When I realized the Bush administration was pushing this issue, I wondered how far out of hand, the "illegal" invasion of privacy, would go. I knew that the wiretapping that was being allowed, would be used arbitrarily. I was right! This guy here, just seems so blase about the entire stripping of civil rights and freedoms.
You go Russ Feingold. I see no humanly way possible, that anyone (any administration) could guarantee that any wiretapping would only target terrorists. Until that caveat could be honored - I say no more....period!!

our founding fathers must be spinning in their graves.
Talk about making people feel secure..."sneak & peak," at which point will they stop? Have they been in my home yet?
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