*** Just a wee correction...Nixon appointed the first "czar" not Reagan!!
When all the marching and bloviating was over, these people seemed to have no problem discarding their placards and pins - where else, but on the sidewalks, where the socialized structure of garbage collection will be utilized. Granted these people are from far places and pay nothing towards this community and their services, and never gave this a second thought...DUH!?!?!

And what else do they totally discard, because their cause has ended...the American flag!! Glen Beck conveniently forgot to tell these people the rules regarding the flag and how it should be treated!! Much like he does with every other subject he tries to tackle.
Glen Beck needs to get into his total meltdown, so we can move on, and hopefully...educate the uneducated!
Have a great Friday and super weekend. I shall return.....later......

OMG how pathetic are these morons, and we have to live side by side with them?? I'm glad you posted this video of the mess cuz the conservative blogs are saying dems are filthy after a rally compared to them, oh yes they are spotless, clean, AND pure!! lol
AND one more thing, when the wingfucks say they want to take their country back we need to say, WE are the ones finally taking OUR country back from YOU!!!
DC should charge Fox for the clean-up since they so proudly claim they organized the rally.
Interesting to see the mouths hanging open when the journalist was explaining the czars...seems like they are capable of learning and rational thought if given the opportunity to hear the truth.
Wow. I cannot even keep up with the stupidity...completely bizarre.
And here we got that ding bat rambling on about the trash left behind by the Obama inauguration.
See, this is why a person shouldn't speak so soon until ALL the shit comes in.
Nice find. Keepin' it real.
At least those posters ended up where they belong!
Yes, I remember Nixon's "energy czar." I remember more of them being appointed under Reagan and more by each Bush administration. Probably Clinton, too. It never raised any red flags for me, I guess because I understood their roles. I really feel sorry for that poor kid who said that Obama has destroyed our country in just a few months. That kid will NEVER make enough money for the tax increase to effect him. He's not old enough to remember the years before W., the years when people were making money and unafraid. These people are just pathetic, stupid followers of all things Fox. They are incapable of recognizing lies or thinking for themselves.
It's okay to discard American flags made in China.
Wait, that would mean it's okay to discard all of them. Get tossin' everyone!
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