You have to just love these people working in the name of religion - "send us your money and we will do this for you!" All I get from this is the $30 donation this outfit wants - and you get a bumper sticker (approx cost $.15) and a fax sent in your name to state AG's (approx. cost $.05). So now these fanatics get $29.80 free and clear. I guess that helps put the air conditioning in the dog house.
Truly another pathetic attempts by the racist, religious rightwingnut fukktards!

these people make my ass red.
rightwingfucksreligiousfucktards...I have no other words, well yes I do but right now I'm pretty speechless, and I'm throwing up from watching this fuckin crap so I better go.....
send us money, we'll send a fax for you! ridiculous. it's televangelizing for the new millennium. and why do you need a 186-page report to refute a one-page document. sounds like a bit of overkill. i thought it was funny when he said "at least" one person has reviewed it... well i certainly hope so, or the point you are making can't be made. idiots!
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