I watched this tirade last night, and almost choked on my Fruit Chiller. Williams, the self-appointed leader of the Teabaggers, managed to dig his hole deeper and deeper, everytime he opened his mouth.
I couldn't help but laugh, watching Gergen and James Carville, and their expressions. At the end, I saw the laughter as the ultimate "slap in the face" to this goofball.
I also saw an interview a short time ago with Jimmy Carter, and he states that he is "very concerned" over the racist attitude that has come to the forefront...and is being perpetuated by a class of morons, believing every word from the Becks, Limbaughs and now Williams of the country. It's truly a shame that these people (and many are my relatives), cannot get past the color of our presidents skin. Nevermind, that on any given day, he (Obama) is much more charismatic, intellectual and shrewder than any of these "anti" Obama people.
So to Hannity, Beck, Limpdick and fellow trolls...here it goes: YOU LOST - GET OVER IT!! As if all of you didn't say this repeatedly over the last 8 years! We didn't have to steal an election to get a smart man in this position. The decisions he had to make immediately upon taking office may have been dire, but we have to see how it will all play out. You losers backed a cretin who got us into this mess, albeit economic or the war - and it will take time and some sacrifice to right the wrongs.
I love how these people want all this spending to just end...and on top of that they want lower taxes. Most do not realize what "socialized" programs have been in place for years, and would have kittens to find out that they would lose some of the things they definitely take for granted. True Rethug fashion, enact the programs and underfund or allow no funding - what fucking idiots they truly are!
That's enough for today....Excedrin time and a hot bath. So, catch ya later......

Should take what you say to heart.
What comes around, goes around.
All your party is doing is acting like spoiled children in the candy store.
Well G...what went around DID come around and now it is up to this administration to correct all the fuck ups of the past.
And you say OUR party is acting like children in the candy store...is your head up your ass? Keep drinking your Beck kool-aid - it serves you well.
I am so glad that President Carter spoke up in the Racism issue. There is no doubt that it is the undercurrent of much of this "fear" and hatred.
The Tenther/Birther clown isn't wrong in his account of what troubles the polity. Corporatism, corruption, graft, bribery are the biggest problems we face.
hat is not the relevant question>
What is relevant is asking where the feculwent, smirking fucknozzle was for the last 30 years...
And then to knock his teeth into the gutter like chiclets, when he proclaims it's all the Dims fault...
One question I am *dying* to ask one of these kooks: "From whom, exactly, are you trying to take the country back?"
Liberals? Minorities? Non-Christians? The educated? People who give a shit about their neighbors and fellow Americans?
My follow up question: "You mean the 52.9% of the American population who voted for our current president?" (as opposed to 45.6% for the other team; 7+ point spread without *any* gubernatorial sibling support)
Also, those who say they want their country back? As far as I can tell, things are only slightly different than they were under Bush with the slugs in our Congress. There's a huge mess to clean up after the frat party the GOP (Grand Old Prevaricators) had for 8 years. But, nope, G. Not their fault, right?
We have to be content that there is a small pocket of the population that is not going to let things go and they will dig up every oppourtunity to make their voices heard. Even some republicans are starting to get tired of the dissention and disregard. Jus sayin!
Wanting their country back means:
There's a Black man in the White House; they got the blues...
What a sorry state of affairs.......
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